New Teleport/Portal Animations are Broken!

They tried to finally update the teleport animation (which up until yesterday hadn’t been updated in almost 20 years!) but the new glow on the hands has this odd flickering which makes it seem pixelated and the new loading screen type thing that pops up after you teleport or use a portal is a nice touch but it’s also completely broken and displays an unfinished green screen around the edges.

Of course this is just one of dozens if not hundreds of bugs introduced with the latest update. I think it’s fair to say this patch broke way more things than it fixed and frankly shouldn’t have been released when it became clear that this was the case late last night.


I think the animation is bugged too b/c every time I teleport it shows me the Stormwind portal room on my Blood Elf


I also get the SW portal decal on all teleports, but its surrounded by a green circle around it.


Yup, it’s completely bugged. That patch had no business being released in that state and they knew it too but decided to go ahead instead of pulling the plug because it would have looked terrible to have that ridiculously extended maintenance for nothing. Of course, the alternative that we’re living through now isn’t a whole lot better if you ask me.


Yup i saw that too.
Rly annoying ^^

Speak for yourself, I happen to like the neon green addition to the otherwise red and yellow traffic safety signs

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Yesterday’s patch didn’t fix the green screen and it hasn’t even been acknowledged in the known issues list… /sigh


it only needs a WORK IN PROGRESS red text


Seriously! I went out of my way not to play the Beta because of how messy and unstable it is but they exported it to the live game! :man_facepalming:t2:

I am having serious doubts the expansion will launch in a playable state at this rate. And considering that this is the first time in the game’s history that you have to pay for early access it’s gonna be a :poop: show if nothing works.

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I’ve gotten this too, looks like a green-screen glitch!

I think they reverted the sound of the teleport/portal spell cast back to the original because when pre-patch launch they had finally changed the sound the cast made…now its back to the original and we still have the green areas on the teleport cast.

I liked the new cast sound so I hope it comes back…

I hope the sound stays that way. I missed that :slight_smile: <3

didn’t you know beta is actually alpha and live is perpetual beta testing :stuck_out_tongue: