New talent trees

anyone able to confirm if an ability has 2 branches attached - to unlock it would it require points invested in both branching nodes?

  • Most talents have prerequisites (these will be indicated by arrows in the final UI). If a talent has any arrows leading to it, you must have fully purchased at least one of those previous talents to access it. For clarity, arrows always point downwards or diagonally downwards in current drafts.

think you just have to buy one side

OK that’s pretty kool then. Opens up for some crazy builds lol

When are you guys releasing the rest of the classes trees?

Going to be 2 classes per week? Or what’s the cadence?

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Ferals got SCREWED.

I mean, what are they trying to do with it? Do they still not know what feral’s identity is or how to build synchronization without making everything about tigers fury or even worse, beserk.

My question is who decided which talents were kept, because whoever did it needs fired. Many of the talents were garbo years ago, like sent of blood.

Finally, i am not excited for it at all. There is NOTHING new thats actually going to matter. They threw a thin coat of paint on beserk, thats it.

Sad, really.


If you’re taking more specific feedback here, Mark coming back is great and i’m super excited for it and the possibility of other class buffs but i think keeping the speed buff, replacing the crit with vers and removing the bonus magic damage component would feel more inline with the original Mark.

Early mark gave armor, magic resistance and a main stat buff. I think versatility as a stat serves all these stats well. It covers both damage types not just magic, covering both armor and resistances, and gives a flat damage buff closer to the all stats increase. Flat 3% more damage and healing would feel more generally useful then crit which isn’t great for every spec. Maybe up it to 4% vers so its 2% damage resistance.


Hey Kaivax,
Genuine question/thought… is instant cyclone ever a possibility again?
I truly believe it won’t cause an absolute fiesta uproar, I think the feral population is low enough and it’s not necessarily a new ability, since we’ve always had clone.
I think to compensate it can either be put on the same talent row as bash/mass entanglement, or PvP talent with a cooldown attached to it.
Why should we add it in, we might ask? Immersion, simply put. Feral feels a little funky hard casting an ability in humanoid form. It’s not smooth/fast gameplay. Just feels like it interrupts your flow completely sometimes.

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PLEASE remove Draught from the feral talent tree!

It’s a really boring talent with nothing to offer other than a passive percent damage increase. It adds no interactions between any of our active abilities, and actively reinforces bad gameplay (tunneling the boss and ignoring adds).

Please put something more interesting in its place. Nobody likes Draught. We all rejoiced when we didn’t have to use it anymore in SL. Why is it here in the new talent tree?

My concerns with the Feral talent tree:

Predatory Swiftness is too far left making it impossible to take into raids. For those of us who liked the mastery that came with using PS well having that removed is not super great. Oh but infected wounds occupies a nice easy center slot. Because Infected Wounds is central to so many builds. :roll_eyes:

Apex Predator is on the complete opposite end of the tree from Primal Wrath. Guess that’s never getting picked ever since its main purpose is funnel damage. But it can’t do that job without Primal Wrath.

Bloodtalons is SUPER deep on the left side. Why? Why is it over there Blizz where I can’t take it for raid? I’ll actually change specs if it stays there.

Other than that I like that our “Affinity” talent is basically a super customizable tree now. I like that we have access to Innervate now as well. And Mark of the Wild is a surprise but a welcome one. However I can’t help but notice that Feral is still the only Druid spec that can’t cast Rebirth in our preferred form. Why? And why is Rebirth still not back on Predatory Swiftness if you insist on making it uncastable in cat?


there’s 1 talent missing from the descriptions in the feral row 10, looks like an improvement to adaptive swarm but only Improved Incarnation and Convoke and Circle of Life and Death are mentioned.

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Feral Looks like its lacking connecting lines compared to the other trees or at least they’re farther down making them less open, i think adding a connecting line from berserk: relentlessness to primal wrath and brutal slash would be a good fix instead of it dead ending at moment of clarity. Similar to how goldrin sits in the balance tree.


Feral definitely can as they aren’t mutually exclusive.

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That would definitely help the Apex Predator issue a lot.

My bigger concern is with Predatory Swiftness and Bloodtalons. With Draught on the right side it’s extremely difficult for me to imagine taking Bloodtalons and Predatory Swiftness into raid which means a lot of the rewarding snapshot and energy pooling gameplay that drew me to Feral in the first place is going to be denied to me in my favorite endgame activity. (Raids)

If I can’t take those with me into raids without severely compromising my ST performance I’ll probably just end up swapping specs.


Conveniently, it is currently easily skippable.

? I never had a problem with Draught. The reason it was irritating in CN is because you couldn’t do anything else if you wore that legendary, and having multiple gear sets to swap legendaries was a pain at the time.

That is not the case with the talent tree as designed. Don’t like it? Don’t take it. Easy.

I feel like you are wildly underestimating the number of points you get to spend relative to what you want to acquire. You can, in fact, easily acquire all of the things you listed that you want.

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It’s 31 points for the right side tree isn’t it?

Doing some quick back-of-the-envelope math I think I’m about 5-6 points short of taking everything I want into raid. I could probably make up those points elsewhere but Bloodtalons is the easiest talent to drop since it’s costing me 4 points that I wouldn’t otherwise spend.


TF, OOC, IS, Predator, Prowl, S&S for 8.

SA 1, TfB 3, PW, BS, Zerk, MOC, PS, IW, SI, and 1 other for 20.

CI2, BT, CEC1, Apex, Eye1, Convoke/Incarn, SotF and you still have 3 more. And you can even move more around if you want.

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Huh. I think that actually works for me. I can’t find out where your path differs from mine that my total points came out so different… might just be me hecking up the math since I don’t have something clickable yet.

Maybe you were thinking you had to fully put points into a node before you moved on? Unless they’ve changed their minds since the last time they talked about it, you just need to assign 1 to a multi-point node in order to move to the next level.

Edit: And to be clear, if you have to fill out a node to move on that basically kills the entire design and makes it worthless and I would totally agree that it would suck.

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Oh. That is in fact it. I was putting 3 points into SA and 2 into CI in order to get to BT.

I still think that putting Apex so far away from Primal Wrath is a bad plan but it’s a lot less worse than I thought.

  • Most talents have prerequisites (these will be indicated by arrows in the final UI). If a talent has any arrows leading to it, you must have fully purchased at least one of those previous talents to access it. For clarity, arrows always point downwards or diagonally downwards in current drafts.

Fully implies needing multiple points into the multipoint talents to unlock the next row, but not needing both sides if its got 2 connectors.