New Talent System, Too Many Nodes

The thing I love about those old trees is there are few linked nodes. The new tree EVERY node is linked and are basically bigger conduit trees.


I like how we’ve gone from “there are too many options” to “omg there are too many”, especially when 95% of people just google “bis talents for my spec”.

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The more the better, it let us get new combination and different builds depending on what you are doing. Of course 1 build is going to be the best at single target, while other is better for aoe or cleave.

THing is back then even though they showed specs it was more class because you were taking from the various specs to build your class.

It wasn’t until MoP and more so in Legion with the artifact weapons that it became more spec focused .

The DF trees with the class and spec trees puts it back to when we took from all 3 specs to build the class but also adds stuff since then that has been more spec specific to the spec trees.

A lot of the stuff we are getting for the spec trees is stuff we lost when Legion and BfA ended as well as stuff that we would of lost going out of SL if they had stuck to the system they had been doing over the last 3 expansions.

The reason azerite traits sucked is because they weren’t part of your class, meaning you had to constantly re-grind traits you already had. Similarly, the issue with covenants and conduits is that they weren’t part of your class. Both had the problem of being confined to a single expansion, which didn’t much room for iteration and improvement.

The new talent trees do not have those issues. They’re part of your class and you have them from the get-go with no preconditions, and nothing can take them away. They’ve expressed intent for the trees to persist through to following expansions too, which means that improvements picked up over the course of 10.x will carry forward to 11.x and beyond.

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Information overload had absolutely nothing to do with why azerite armor was hot doodoo butter. Eat more broccoli, I hear it helps with memory issues.

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It’s all gonna boil down to cookie cutter specs and we will be back at 3 row talent choices in a couple xpacs all over again.


Yeah, this is why I’m of an opinion Legion is a much better xpac.

Artifact weapons were not only part of your class but also a part of your spec. I’m not a fan of borrowed powers but that was probably the only xpac where I can say it was done right.

As for the tree heading into DF, yeah some people are gonna look up what’s the best and roll with it. That’s pretty much any RPG where you have build progression. The good thing about the talent system going into DF, I’ll be able to pick talents that are currently competing with other talents in the same row. It’s a much more flexible system compared to what we have now where 1 talent is just overall better compared to the other 2. I’m sure there will be dead talents in the new tree but I think this is just a better system overall.

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Artifact weapons weren’t perfect but it was by far the borrowed power system with the most potential to be made permanent. There was nothing tying them to Legion particularly, and because it was the first of its kind (and thus no precedent) they didn’t have to extend the artifact trait trees in every expansion… they could’ve done it every other expansion or something instead, tamping down on bloat issues.

It is not that complex to figure out. It is pretty strait forward in your choices in what path you want to take in the direction of what type of performance your toon is going to be. Either way I am sure with in a day of release of the pre-patch there will be posted a cookie cutter version for each class and spec online on most every info page for WoW for people who cannot deal with it themselves.


If anything the 3 talents per talent row were even more cookie cutter .
At least the bigger trees have more cookies in the jar to select from .


More likely a few different load outs, where there is some room for choices but all needed abilities are covered for each type of content/fight style

Lol what ? No one is going to read the nodes. Our discord overlords will post sims and people will play this bis one :slight_smile:

There’s a bit of bloat but I’m interested to see how it feels.

for 31 points, I see it as probably too limited, maybe we hope that the WoWhead or Icyveins experts will come up with a good path that doesn’t change every so often for each patch of nerfs and buffs, but we’ll see that its limitations don’t harm to the quality of the gaming experience.

Worse than just Ion looked like a fun police.

This assumes you have to process the information :rofl:
Just go to IcyVeins (when DF is about to launch) and copy the script you need and gg.

“But Kaurmine, I want to build my own talents”

Huzzah! You have plenty to keep your mind busy then :slight_smile:

how do people who think this is “information overlord” survive in the real world.

I’m really curious. it only will take probably like 20 minutes at most to get your talents in order.

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They didn’t bring back my Dizzying Haze, Guard, or mini-Guards from Black Ox for Brewmaster


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add symbiosis too plz…they have implied they don’t think we’re smart enough to use it or something though so gg :broken_heart:

Artifact power was actually awful.

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