New tailoring cloak

My tailor made Surveyor’s Tailored Cloak for my monk. This item has agi or int or str as a core statistic so is clearly intended for all classes. I sent it to my monk and discovered it needs dragon isles tailoring level 1 to equip. BoE tailoring cloaks do not usually have a requirement to be a tailor to equip.


I would also like to report this as a bug.


My cloak was my lowest ilvl item so I had a tailor craft a 374 cloak using one of my Titans Matrix IV’s only to find out that I need to be a tailor to wear the item I put a work order in for a tailor to craft???

Why would I put a work order in to have a tailor craft something if I needed to be a tailor myself. I hope this is simply a bug that gets fixed.


Since any class can be a tailor, the other stats are still relevant (my demon hunter is one). That is very bizarre, though, and I hadn’t even noticed that when I crafted one. The jewelcrafting BOE necks also require jewelcrafting to equip. You might be better off making a suggestion as opposed to a bug report, in the case it is intentional.

Edit: (in addition to a bug report)


Looking at Tailoring. This cloak is the ONLY item in the tailoring tree that requires tailoring. This seems to be by mistake. Even the other higher quality 384 cloak does not require it. All other “surveyors tailored” gear does not have this requirement.


I agree, it does not seem normal, but I guess since I encountered the same with the JC necklace that could typically be crafted for any class, I figured they were trying to limit something there. Whenever something like this comes up, I just usually think a suggestion is also in order in case it’s not a bug. Hopefully it is.

If not, it probably needs an additional warning on the crafting order system, or removed entirely from that option.

Just fair warning - don’t order one of these either for the time being:


Agreed, this is a bug, same for the JC item. I made the mistake of ordering one of these wasting the matrix to make it a 372+. This seems totally against the whole concept of crafting orders to have an item that can only be worn by the crafter! (I suppose a tailor of a different specialty might want it, but still…) Either remove that requirement or prevent it from being posted as a crafting order I’d say.


Wow, so now we have to come to the forums before we do anything because of flippin’ mind numbing land mines like this? There should at least be a warning…


Yeah, this is really frustrating. Replying for more visibility hopefully.

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Same here. Cant wear the JC necklace

Guys I put this in as a ticket for blizzard to notice, suggest you guys do the same.

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Same thing happened to me! Cloak was the only item sub 372 so I had a buddy make me one. I used a matrix IV to bump it out . My heart sunk when I looked in the mail and saw I couldn’t use it. My buddy and I couldn’t it but we are assuming it’s a bug (hopefully!)

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Throwing my bump in here for the same cloak problem with a wasted matrix. Hope it gets looked at!

I also just wasted a matrix 4 on one of these. Why is the cloak the only thing that needs tailoring? So no one can get a crafted cloak? Doesn’t make sense.

Also just got done by this. Really seems unintentional since the rest of the set doesn’t have this requirement and this is the item most likely to be used by non-tailors (and the only craftable back item below epics). Add me to the “wasted a matrix 4” list.

Please fix it or make it more obvious that unlike almost every other blue crafting item of similar nature, there is no point getting this crafted for you…

unsure why people are convinced this is a bug.

the items require 20 to make, but 1 to wear.

there are other items in the game like this…

I just did this thinking i could upgrade the cloak spot for my druid but this bug won’t let him wear it

Well it seems to be fixed now as I am able to equip mine. Crazy how that ended up being a bug after all huh?

I think it’s more likely it was a bad design decision they changed their minds on, but it’s better now either way.

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there are people without existing professions who would see the opportunity to buy and wear a nice piece of gear, before they were able to use it… if they selected that profession.

so i’m still inclined to believe it was never a bug… but if “neener neener” makes you feel better, go right ahead! :smiley: