New Swirlie Visuals shown in 11.1 PTR

This, of course, isn’t going to be applied to EZ-mine nodes, I’m sure. >=-(

Too bad I won’t see it through the five of each rainbow dragon breath, rushing green wind, ravager swirling, explosions, arcane and frost orbs and consecration. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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You forgot Death and Decay, Thunder Clap and Flamestrike.:smile:

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M+ is here to stay.

About damn time. Good change.

I think you mean any game that wasn’t abusive towards it’s players starting in early 2k. Let’s not forget it’s also mandatory in FF14 thanks to server delay snapback. There’s no split-second decisions in that game thanks to super awesome server reliability (Fall Guys event for reference).

There definitely needs to be “standard” colors for move, healing, soak, and stack soak.

Oooh damn that’s actually a pretty good change. Just keep updating the visuals for mechanics especially to make them more simple/visual.

Like some have said in here hopefully they took in the AOE player spells in raid/dungeons mechanics and made the mechanic swirlies to more visually show when their a mess of player aoes around.

And they must be clearly visible over player-created ground effects, overwriting them if necessary.


MUCH better so far.
I wanna see it on blue/white/purple ground.

Like how dodgeball arrows disappear in Mists with a mage + pally around.