I’ll fully admit I dropped a few F bombs in chat… and I’m sure there will be some trolling comment saying how you can’t do that because it’s against ToS…but come on, everyone knows that’s just trolling to report on that.
when you get suspended now – it shows you every single message you sent that players reported you for.
So on day 1 of WOTLK, I’m sure many people experienced the pain of the quest ‘Foolish Endeavors’ with Getry in Borean Tundra. Only the person who started this, could get credit and being in a group didn’t work (this has since been fixed).
So let’s review some of the things I got reported for:
(on the Getry quest, day 1)
“I def started this one” – I guess someone was really mad they were not able to click faster ?
many, many, many messages in WG, here are my absolute favorites:
(as we were driving around 12 siege out of one workshop at the same time)
yes…I got reported for saying ‘TRAFFIC JAM’
- ‘we are going to lose if we keep bashing east’
- '‘oh we have 3 minutes…UGH’
- ‘we got 1 wall?’
- ‘the only time we ever win is if you queue 25 mins after and play against 5 ally’
- ‘literally the entire game was spent on 1 side’
- ‘games over’
Someone said in world ‘whats the best movie ever made?’
and I typed ‘Drillbit Taylor’ which I got reported for
okay that one is fair.
Funny as well, I got reported 3 separate times for saying:
- ‘invite me’
I guess multiple people were extremely offended I was in the same quest zone as them.
Ultimately, dropping an F bomb in chat is a suspendable offense, I think that’s absolutely absurd but what are ya gonna do… I guess I’ll just say ‘TRAFFIC JAM’ in WG on my 2nd account.