New sunder cosmic weapon not retoractive award?

Thanks! Much appreciated.

Great news!! Thank you!

Glad the community received some feedback.

As you’ve noticed, that usually doesn’t happen in Bug Reports. Hopefully, this is a new trend.

Yeah, I got a response from a ticket I filed on this issue. They said that most should see the new sword added to their collection after the maintenance. It might not work for everyone though, so they are still working on it.

After the maintenance, I still don’t have mine. I cannot purchase it from the vendor yet either.


me neither, this is the most important thing i care after the maintenance.

I haven’t received anything either and the NPC keeps blocking the items, I thought that after 11 hours of maintenance this would be resolved.


Still not fixed.

Not fixed for me either

Also not fixed here. Not in chest. Not available to purchase. Not unlocked in appearances.

Still not fixed for me as well, the issue is still on going. Shouldn’t there be a back up for this kind of thing? Like instead of making people go through all these hoops after messing it up after this many times like just mail the things to everyone with a “Whoops our bad” letter.


Still not fixed yet. Not automatically learned, nothing in the log, and still unable to purchase from the suspicious vendor.

Still not fixed yet :frowning: so sad

Also still not fixed here as of 11/8/23 1:14pm

Bump. I hope they don’t forget about this with the new patch coming out.

Forget? No. Your reports here are picked up by QA and put into the developers’ work tracking system as work to be done. The work ticket system doesn’t “forget.”

However the work ticket system doesn’t make the developers prioritize this bug above any other task.


I don’t have mine either. I completed the trading post early in the month.

Just a heads up that after this recent little patch that these weapons are still unobtainable. There is still not a way for those that completed the trading Post tasks early to acquire these appearances.


Where is that vendor i never noticed them before?