New Subterfuge bugs out Skyriding

Currently Subterfuge is a bugged talent for a rogue disallowing you from using Skyriding.
Before TWW Subterfuge allowed rogues to use certain items/interactions/mounts without breaking a stealth. But with a new update there is a bug. If you mount up for skyriding while talented into Subterfuge+Stealth - you won’t be able to fly with the dynamic flying.

How to reproduce:

  1. Talent into Subterfuge.
  2. Use “Stealth”
  3. Use any preferred mount. (Be it DF/Old one, doesn’t matter.)
  4. Congrats, now you can’t skyride and (if you are lucky) you get at least steady flying before remount.

To use skyriding with a talent and reduce your frustrations - you must use mount without a stealth. OR. with a macro .
/cancelaura Stealth
/use Mountname


Fix pls this. Still relevant. Up this topic pls. Broken mechanic

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I can confirm that this talent 100% of the time breaks Skyriding Lift Off.

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i think that its so important and we need to take this topic up!
This problem need to be fix. I cant play normal on my rogue

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Bumping this and agreeing, very much an issue.

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Pay attention to the problem pls. Still broken and needs fix.

At least there is a work around with a macro. But still a bug that should have been caught.

/cancelaura Stealth
/use Mountname

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An additional facet of this bug, if you break stealth with combat, end combat while subterfuge is active, mount up and start skyriding, when subterfuge ends you freefall.

So to reproduce:
Talent into subterfuge
Enter stealth
Attack something weak to oneshot it
As soon as possible mount up and get into the air with skyriding
Wait for subterfuge to fade


Just came here to report this. I can 100% recreate this when mounting from stealth.

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Blizzard, just make Subterfuge+Stealth like hunter’s camouflage. We always can cast mount, HS, use glider and other items with Subterfuge without leaving Stealth.

Now its broken. Just make this like hunters’ camouflage.

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Yeah they fixed the Skyriding bug but now just about every channeled item/ability breaks stealth (like it used to only do without Subterfuge). The only channeled ability that I can still use in stealth without it breaking now is putting poisons on.

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Blizzard, TWW has already been released. The Rogue mechanic is still broken. This is a terrible gaming experience with the rogue mechanics. We need to fix Talent “Subterfuge”

Rogues always can cast maunt and hs with Talent “Subterfuge”. But now its broken