New spriest is a walking god

What do you dislike about lock

I will be rolling with DK and Priest as my two mains, FOTM crew locking in


So the latest PTR update gave Focused Will to Shadow (and Disc). Shadow only gets 1 stack so 15% less damage taken when meleeā€™d.

Devouring Plague is going to be kind of the biggest survivability increase though because 50% of the damage it deals heals the S-priest. Itā€™s equivalent to about 10% of your health a cast.

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Shadow has had Focused Will since they removed the Damage Reduction aspect of Shadowform in 8.1.

I must be blind cause I couldnā€™t find it in my spellbook on retail.

Iā€™ve always been a sucker for dots that heal.

Makes me feel like a god.

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Itā€™s there. Weā€™ve had it for a long time now.

You guys arent very smart are you? Going around claiming your spec is a GOD will ensure it gets a big fat nerf! Keep talking that smack.


Karen please take your toxicity somewhere else.

Thank you.


Must admit Iā€™m looking forwards to dotting you a crowd of people, throwing 3 shadow crashes in then teleporting in and dropping a fear bomb is gonna be some hot stuff

Yea, because anyone takes anything seriously on the forums. lawl

I would really like to believe spriest is becoming a god - it was my second main back in 2008 and I am very nostalgic since I have not played it until last Friday. But when I look at wowmeta for BFA spriest is #4 and when I look at wowmeta for Shadowlands spriest is #9 in DPS rankings. Seems like spriest power has actually dropped (relative to other specs.) Can anyone explain the discrepancy between wowmeta and the perception in this thread?

I personally made the thread based off of the overall improvement shadow received.

Not the DPS rankings.4

But shadow is S tier for PVPā€¦so technically we are walking gods in pvp again so people talking about that and not specifying could confuse people.


Shadow priest was fine before. They could have made a few small tweaks like capping the number of voidform stacks, and then the spec could have been buffed without ever getting too strong. I like voidform on live, you rarely have to ever refresh dots because youā€™re casting void bolt so much and itā€™s fast paced.


We are pre tuning, shadow TCS including myself are being deliberately vague on performance metrics, and wowmeta is a clickbeta data scraping site that makes unfounded conclusions based on data it does not understand and makes no attempts to.

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Thanks for sharing, I mainly pvp and this video helps.

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So why are they becoming gods? I played my spriest a bit but the gameplay seemed meh for now.

People panic because spriest will actually be able to do stuff in pvp now, as in, be a threatening damage presence. For the past 4 years, even if shadowā€™s damage was overtuned, it was incredibly easy to shut down. Now that itā€™s changed and people have to pay attention to them again, they freak out and claim itā€™s OP lol. I kind of understand, after 4 years of being able to essentially ignore something, any improvement to it will seem wildly unbalanced.


I think looking at data alone doesnā€™t show the whole story because in BFA thereā€™s so many RNG based elements revolving around procs. The average person has like 10-12 procs that can trigger between Azerite traits, trinkets, amulet, cloak, etc. There was also a strong emphasis on keeping Void Form up and on fights youā€™re moving around a lot its a pain to keep up.

Shadowlands looks like its watering down the entire RNG element of stuff to start with which is a good change.

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Iā€™m just glad DP is finally back. Damn I hated Legion spriest and BFA made it even worse.