New Specs Rather Than New Classes

I still think a new class is needed, but I’m not against adding more specs to the current ones either as long as they are interesting and NOT.

Things like this :point_up:

Bard & Necromancer are two very much their own class, not simple branches from current existing ones. That’s like those before legion who said to just add Demon Hunter as a Spec to Hunters.

Never was going to happen, dumb waste of potential if ever considered and are entirely two different things. That goes for Tinker as well btw!

But I’ll take a Sword and Shield Warrior DPS spec any day of the week. :grin:


I’d love Paladins to get a Caster ranged spec, fully embrace the power of the Light, purging their foes in holy fire!! The Power of Faith burns within them. Be the first plate wearer caster!!.

So much this.


I 1000% agree with you, I’d rather full fledged classes then a extra spec.

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While that does sound like a neat idea that’s 1 new spec for 12 classes, which is 21 new talents per new spec (assuming we don’t get any new talents above level 50 in the tree) which is 252 new talents in the game. That’s not inc pvp talents, not inc basic talents/spells you get just by leveling/in the spellbook.

So you’re looking at least 500 raw new abilities to be made/put in this game…that is pretty much impossible on a balance standpoint and that would be dev hell.

Even if they cut the amount of talents you can get, you’re still looking at a few hundred new abilities to be made, balanced and sorted.

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For comparison, Shadowlands with it’s unique Covenant Class abilities added 36 in total.

See how much a nightmare that turned out to be. Not to mention they tied it to a cosmetic choice :face_vomiting:

Cant be a nightmare if only 1 covenant ability is only good-great per class while the other ones aren’t useable :shushing_face: lol


Or you nerf all of them to not be worth pressing in the first place.

:zipper_mouth_face: :scream:

The only good thing about…

Is that they would be talents and we wouldn’t be locked into one of them for an entire two and a half patches.

Still not upset about that, not at all. /s :anger:

Actually speaking of specs, I’d love for this to be discussed.

Hypothetically, if every class is getting a fourth, DH getting a third spec.

Would Druids get a fifth?

:thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And if so, what would it even be? :laughing:

New specs would be nice, but this game does need new classes. That’s really all there is to it.


No. Blizz has been working so hard on making everything balanced. It was impossible to do with the old setup. Doing all that would put them right back to where they started.

Theres a werewolf/worgen form for Druids which I’m surprised that hasn’t been a thing in WoW. Its from the druids of the scythe or “druids of the pack”.

They were apart of war of satyr and since they go full primal instinct good ol malfy banished them shortly after. Most of them were in the emerald dream or supposedly in valsharah

Even if it’s not necessarily “good” I’d rather more specs. Specs allow you to spread the love and give some unique options to already existing classes and then build lore up from there.

Chronomancers being one example for Mages, people often say it would heal. I know it falls under Arcane but a Chronomamcer can let Blizz reuse Suramar (which Elisande did some crazy time magic) and expand upon the Bronze Dragonflight, and the basis of that expansion can come from the new spec itself.

So more specs for me, I think it would work better than throwing in more classes.


I’ll take a hard pass on that, they screwed up survival hunters, combat rogues and shadow priests. Specially in the lore department with the whole new “actually it was never shadow magic its been void magic”.

Lore is hit or miss I suppose depending on the person. I personally think the shadow priest void thing is fine.

Those three specs aren’t all bad either, shadow priest specifically seems pretty good. Outlaw seemed random and Survival out of left field, but I think Survival at least is a good example of another spec would have been better than revamping one.

Overall I believe it’s easier to add specs than a class. A class has to have a whole new base concept and abilities, a spec can take an existing class as a base and then add the flavor. Just seems easier.

They have never been able to balance talents since they were introduced in Mist. There has always been cookie-cutter builds. Blizzard has gone and reworked talents, or removed them to balance them; however, nothing has changed.

Only way would be to have one talent option for each spec, or bring back the old point tree.

100% new specs

What’s the point when some specs are not playable? Hunters as example have all 3 Specs bottom of DPS rankings

I would rather just have new race/class combos, maybe add some class skins to either make them and some of the current ones make more sense, and some that take existing specs and give them a new identity.

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While I think some classes need a new spec, I don’t get the obsession with giving every class one.

Druids have 4 because they’re the hybrid class.

Demon hunters have two because blizzard didn’t want to force a 3rd that would dilute the class fantasy.

The only new spec I can get behind is a shaman tank.