New specs for mage

Melee Mage, call it Battle Mage and let us dual wield swords. For casters we have seen shadow mages (mages that use shadow spells) and Fel Mages (mages that use fel fire it could be an off shute to fire spec.) Personally I would like to see a Mage spec that is lighting, or another element.

A Fel spec.

I would be interested in that or say forget shadow spec give us void spec. Again its splitting hairs but void spec would would be interesting.

Here’s what I’d go with:

Spec: kinetic
uses physical force spells and telekinesis
Role: tank

You protect yourself with kinetic shields/forcefields, can create a force shield in your offhand to block attacks with, and can summon force armor (think mass effect holo-armor) to boost defense.

Pull and push enemies with kinetic force waves for control. Launch yourself at enemies in a biotic-style charge dealing damage/knockdown on impact. Suck groups of enemies together by creating a micro black hole. Pummel enemies with fistfulls of compressed air.

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If any of you played dragonage you could make an arcane warrior. Arcane warriors are very a part of the mage lore…

In dragon age, sure, not so much in WoW. We’ve never really had much in the way of battlemages in warcraft lore, aside from maybe the high elf/blood elf spellbreakers.

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Soooooo sorta like a priest, but one that uses shadow magic?

probably you want to say a paladin 2.0

Too much melee is already a problem in this game. Literally every class that was added over the years has been melee with the exception of mistweavers. As much as I like the battlemage fantasy, I would rather not add to the overabundance of melee.

Then I would finally find a perfect class. One that I would never have to reroll. I love healing and mage, to me, is by far the most interesting and fun class to play.

One thing for sure is that a healing/tanking spec will definitely help on queue times.


Fix arcane first (NOT A MELEE REWORK PLEASE).