New Specialization: the Storm Mage

Hey guys! Brainard here, bringing another suggestion, this time for a new specialization: the Storm Mage! This is an idea I’ve been cooking up for a little bit, and before I spend a ton of time working out the numbers, I just want to get a feel for everyone’s opinion of this.

To briefly explain: this spec does not have cooldowns in the traditional sense that it doesn’t have a button that it can press to increase damage by X%. Instead, you spend your time building Voltage and spending it on either Thunderbreak or Ionic Spark. Note that I intend for it to be very long to fill up your voltage bar to the max, requiring around 2 minutes with 0% haste and 0% mastery (since mastery increases voltage).

This, in turn, means that Thunderbreak hits like a truck. I’m talking crits of 60-80% of Combustion’s total damage (which sounds completely broken, but remember that this can only happen every 120 seconds because you have to fill up your bar).

For AOE rotations, I turned blink into a damage spell, and your big AOE spender (Ionic Pulse) is meant to be used every ~30 seconds or so in a sustained AOE fight (because the AOE Generators generate more voltage in AOE than ST generates generate in ST fights)

Without further ado, I present the Storm Mage:

  • Voltage (resource bar): minimum of 0, maximum of 1000. This resource is generated by a variety of builder spells (listed below) and consumed by casting powerful spenders. In addition, Mastery is intended to increase this resource bar to increase the damage of big spenders.

  • Mastery: Unleash the Storm: Increases your maximum Voltage by 100 (+10 per 35 points). Also increases your critical damage (not critical chance) by 10% (+1% per 35 point).
    • Note for other expansions with different scaling values: the amount Mastery required for a 1% increase to both of these is equivalent to the amount of Critical Strike chance for a 1% increase in critical strike change in terms of secondary stats points (i.e. 35 points in Shadowlands).


  • Static Charge (passive): Applies a charge of static electricity to the enemy. When discharged with Surge, the next spell affecting the target has it’s critical strike chance increased by 33% per stack (Max of 3 stacks).
  • Fulminant Charge (passive): After consuming a total of 9 Static Charges, your next Lightning Dash deals an additional (XXX% Spell Power) Nature damage around each target hit and generates additional Voltage.
  • Charged up (passive): After consuming 3 stacks of Static Charge on a target, you have a 20% of making your next Static Field instant cast and deal XXX% increased damage (boosted damage must be ~20% higher than Ionic bolt to make it worth casting in ST and MT).


  • Ionic Bolt: Discharges a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing (XXX% Spell Power) Nature damage to the target and applying 1 stack of Static Charge.
  • Static Field: Detonate a field of static energy at the target area, dealing (XXX% Spell Power) to targets affected (square root AOE scaling) and applying 1 stack of Static Charge to all affected enemies.
  • Lightning Dash: Take on the form of thunder to dash through your enemies, traveling 20 yards forward in the direction you are facing, dealing (XXX% Spell Power) Nature damage all targets along the way and apply a charge of Static Charge to all targets affected. This also frees you from all stuns and bonds.
    • Replaces Blink.
    • Shimmer talent instead provides 2 charges of Lightning Dash and allows Lightning Dash to be cast while casting other spells, but increases the cooldown to 20 seconds and no longer breaks stuns and bonds.
  • Surge: Discharge lightning at all targets affected by Static charge, dealing (XXX% Spell Power) per Static Charge to all targets with Static Charge within 40 yards.
  • Thunderstrike: Hurls a resonant bolt of lightning at the target, dealing (XXX% Spell Power) Nature damage, increased by 100% per static charge present on the target.


  • Ionic Pulse: Feed all Voltage into a spark over 3 seconds, which detonates for [Voltage x (0.15% Spell Power)] Nature damage to all targets within 12 yards.
  • Thunderbreak: Gather the fury of the storm for 5 seconds, then release a massive thunderbolt, consuming all available Voltage to deal [Voltage x (0.5% Spell Power)] Nature damage to the target.


  • Capacitance: Stores all expended Voltage for the next 7 seconds, returning that amount to you once expired.
    • Essentially allows you to cast Thunderbreak or Ionic Spark twice in 7 seconds.


  • Fulminant Barrier: Surrounds you with a protective lightning barrier, absorbing (Maximum Health * 20 / 100 * (1+Versatility)). Taking damage grants 20 Voltage per 1% Maximum Health Absorbed.
  • Thunder Ball: Transform into a ball of lightning, increasing movement speed by 200% for 5 seconds and reducing all damage taken by 50%.
    • 2 minute cooldown
  • Ice Block (same as live)
  • Alter time (same as live)


  • Frost Nova (same as live)
  • Invisibility (same as live)


Elemental Shaman


First you stole our heroism, now you’re coming for our lightning pew pew?

Someone hold me back



4th Mage spec stealing Ele Shaman’s thunder? (pun intended)


What I’m getting from these posts (which I’ve seen before) is that you are against the idea of new specs because they use the same element as another class (which is funny because ele also uses fire and frost).

Are you sure you want to restrict game designs like this?

Oh boy we can tell he isn’t going to take no for an answer lol.


Ok, would you feel better if I made it a wind mage instead?

insert fart joke here


Out of curiosity, did you read any of the post at all? I was looking for thoughts on the rotation and playstyle but you all seemed focused on the graphics of it being lightning

No sir, you’ve triggered me. Damn thieving mages.

QUICK BOYS, We’ve got him on the ropes, let’s run him out of town


… I spent a long time thinking about this and working on this…

Can you at least take a look…?

I’ll do you a deal, give us back heroism and I’ll consider giving you some lightning abilities.

We need it bruh pls, it’s the only reason we get in groups sometimes :sob:

Dude fine take it idc, less buttons to press

Also, would you feel better if this was a shaman thing, like an ele rework?

I don’t really care what class it is, i just want to see your opinion in these mechanics

You heard it boys!

Mages are giving up heroism!

Rejoice :partying_face:

Brb heading to the hunter forums.


News flash pumpkin, lightning should never have gone to a shaman to begin with. Canonically speaking it’s been mages that wield that power, hell even the Warcraft movie got it right.

So yes, a spec like this would go great for us mages.

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Sees no Plasma related attacks such as “Greater Plasma/Spark Plasma” like Golden Sun and leaves disappointed

(Nice class btw).

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Nice try Brainard

You think your mirror image can fool me?



No thats not me

No, this is you…I mean me.

Hey, I wouldn’t recommend that. It’s daily threads of arguing about current survival and how to bring back an updated old SV.

You’ll be biting off more than you can chew potentially!