New Sons of Hodir Rep Tabard Coming Soon

What about the built in quest helper that was supposed to be coming or fixing blood dk? What about some form of a RDF at least for leveling players so that those of us that refuse to transfer off of a mostly dead faction can actually play the full game?


Lol true, you cant even find dungeons in the first place because they refuse to put RDF in the game…

so this is literally the most worthless update ever imaginable.


Cool to see something new today, what’s the thought behind introducing the new tabard?

So much hate in the comments.

Tabard is poggers though. Wanna see a giant fish icon for Kaulak tabard. Just 1 big fish. That’s it.


This thread would be so much better with a title like “UPCOMING CHANGES TO FURY WARRIORS”.


People that enjoy playing the game

That tabard looks out of place and doesn’t looks wrath-esque at all but 100% retail.

  • PS. Add RDF
  • PS. Buff fury warrior

Fury - Titan’s grip now increases your damage by 20%, instead of decreasing it when using one-handed weapons.

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Tabard looks kind of cool, but it’s hardly needed. Most people probably have it maxed on a character already, but even if you don’t you can just buy the relics for cheap and max the rep in a few minutes. With all the issues in classic this fixes nothing.


pls remove fury warriors from the game


More examples of you not having respect for yourself. Time to grow up Hallow cuz you are Hollow.


It doesn’t hurt anyone.
Old art asset found and slapped on. A bit of touch up. A small nice/pleasant addition to the game. A very harmless one too.

Yall need to cool off a little.

I can get behind that!
'- Healer who can never save warrior on aoe trash pull. lol


I think what’s upsetting about this to people is that we’ve had radio silence from Blizzard, no hotfixes in a while, and then when they finally talk, its THIS. If they had announced ToGC or RDF or a large amount of bug fixes and then tacked this on the side, no one would probably care.


To me it’s like, being mad at Microsoft for crashing PC’s with horrible update to Win11, and getting mad when MS Paint gets a little UI revamp.

Those 2 are not interconnected. Different projects. Different teams. etc etc etc

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Either RDF or AV week for months, I am fine with either way of leveling. As long as I dont have to quest or run around. AV is preferred , even in loss.

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While we’re adding new tabards, I’d like a trophy Tabard of the Scourge to be added, a nice Scourge themed Tabard gained for killing a powerful group of elites.

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Agreed; this is absolutely pathetic timing.


This is their first communication since the feral buff nerf buff debacle LOL


Looks cool :+1:

Then it’s just 1 line of blue text that says “ you are exactly where we said you would be”