New SL PC at Amazon

It seems to meet the minimum requirements for SL (which I haven’t even tried to run on my old PC).

I got an Acer Aspire T-895-UA92 from Amazon for $538 (plus tax). Note that Amazon also has the T-895-UA91 for $429, but the video is poorer (less than SL minimums) and it has 8GB instead of 12 GB of RAM. But both have a 500 GB solid state disk drive.

I haven’t installed and run the PC yet. It will take some time to move everything from my windows-7 PC to my new windows-10 PC.

I’m sure there are much better PCs for shadowlands at higher prices. I’m just posting here to show a low-priced one.

Integrated graphics is going to be rough, good luck

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Personally I would not buy that to play SL (or any game, really). The money could be better used. Like Sal said, it is going to be rough with no GPU, even though the integrated graphics do meet Blizz’s minimum specs.

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If you have a chance, I’d probably return it, because as said above, the integrated graphics will not play the game that well.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money, for that price or lower, you can purchase systems such as -

If you prefer buying from a typical brand, or want to buy from Amazon, you can buy this for a little more - , it does not have as much storage, but you can buy a little more if you like.

If you want to stay below that amount, you can buy
Which isn’t that great in terms of gaming, but it’s at least better than the one you purchased. There’s a very similar HP one on that site which at the time of this reply is the same price, if you prefer HP.

The first two choices are way better though and worth the price difference.

You don’t have to spend a lot, but the system you purchased is poor value for Shadowlands, as it will only run it at low settings with low FPS.

I just tried my HD 630 graphics and it’s only 10-30 FPS at minimum 1080p settings in a town with no action. Don’t settle for these settings, you can get way better value for your money!


Super-thanks for the comments, everyone! The PC arrived, but I haven’t opened the box yet, so returning should be easy. I could probably even get a non-Amazon PC, but the HP Pavilion one above (from Amazon) looks good. It has a couple of minor problems (smaller SSD, i3 CPU) but I doubt the CPU matters much.

The price is only a little higher, and would save me money in the long run, if I ended up buying a video card in a couple months.

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The i3 should be fine for your use cases, unless you’re doing a lot of heavy work on it. The storage is easily upgradable as well if you choose to go that route.

Reason I’m trying to push you to a system with a video card, is due to the very high demand and lack of supply right now. Maybe it’ll be better by the time you want one months down the line, but it’s very bad right now. Plus, I believe the Acer doesn’t have any external power connectors for a card, limiting your choices even more considering the lack of cards.

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