At least they have nice looking heritage armor.
That’s true. But, heritage armor is something they’ve generally got right with all the races. Are there any bad ones?
Okay you’ve got me there lol, they’re all pretty lit.
I like the Nightborne, and they definitely did get shafted when it comes to actually being an AR. It’s a shame, they could be so much more unique.
That’s because nightborne got hit with the ugly stick. But that was more a problem of blizz having to rush the models to get that pre-sale money.
I think it would be good in pvp. Definitely terrible in pve though. /hug
I feel that though I mean, is not like we draenei do much better lol. My DPS racial is an agi gem.
Mag’har look pretty bad to me and when the novelty of backpacks wears out, vulpera will also be pretty meh.
i like maghar and DID so i leveled for them. the rest i don’t like as much so i will boost/race change them.
Here’s the only reason to use Arcane Pulse
#showtooltip Arcane Pulse
/script s={"An illusion! What are you hiding?","Who goes there?","Something's not quite right."};SendChatMessage(s[random(1,3)], "SAY")
/cast Arcane Pulse
Nightborne had the most effort put into them out of the first ARs, which is why they look like crap. Blizzard should have fully committed to going the rest of the way for them and added more customization options.
I think Peppermint looks awesome, just saying
I agree though Nightborne got a bad deal, not sure what happened on the way to the player character model to be frank, I don’t play my Nightborne much so I forget about it quickly.
Hoping you find some love soon Peppermint!
that is like 6 Alliance biases-es-es-es-es-es
I find it allright in PvP, but nothing to write home about, think of it as a peel tool for ranged characters and a stick to tool for melee characters.
Our raials are definitly lacking (except the mail box, thats cool, love it) but atleast they are better than the Light Forged Draenei racials.
Light forged Draenei Heritage armour sucks too.
Nightborn going to the horde was massivly in favour of the horde for the first wave of allied races.
And the reasoning for them going hord was rediculous, given how much the Night elves did for them.
For pvp yeah, but the orbital strike is good for pve and better than NB stuff. LF racials in general also suck though.
Nah, it’s pretty fitting for them.
Yup, that was the first sign that BFA was going to be completely horde biased and well, we couldn’t even imagine the extent back then.
uh… it’s an alliance expansion. you raided a horde city, killed king, won both warfonts, and your war campaign totally undid ours. what else do you want?
Races that we actually wanted? not having one of our races extinct at the start of the expac? the storyline to not be all about sylvanas?
I love the idea of racials thematically being OP in different aspects of the game.
I miss taurens having more HP, orcs having more weapon skill (lower hit cap so more threat) and stun resistence (not useful in PVE really),
forsaken having an extra fear break (should be lower in noninstanced pvp imo)
They have watered them down too much, power em back up IMO and let each race shine.
Heck would be nice to have a not-easily changeable talent tree around racials so you could go for a character that is better at PVP or farming the open world or just raw damage throughput if thats your jam.
i love all the alliance alled races. i race changed my worgen druid into a kt one and i’m in love. once the unlock gets out i will race change my ally warlock into mechagnome as well. i think they appealed more to us than you.
- My city and people were literally burnt down as a set up to an orc plot line, and we had almsot no followup on the nightelves.
- 3 Saurfang cinematics.
- Faction allegance chocies.
- Killing the Zandalari king was a set up for Telanji to take control and join the horde, its a motivation for her, we gained nothing from it.
- You raided 3 alliance cities.
- ‘winning’ warfronts hasn’t happened in game and theres nothing to show for it.
This has been so heavilly a Horde expansion its not even funny, I can only asume your post was in satire.
my oldest toon and my main for most of the time i’ve played is a dwarf pally. i’ll let you in on a secret. horde bias doesn’t exist. i am the same person regardless of which faction i’m playing.