New Short Story Anthology: Crossroads

And nobody wanted a new city. They wanted their old city not to be burned down by the Horde.

Okay let us kill Turalyon and replace him with blacksmith Johnny from Goldshire. Surley that will be accepted by everyone right?

Maybe after Turaylon decided to wipe out/suceeded in wiping Ogrimmar or Thunderbluff.

I wouldn’t miss Orgrimmar essentially being the worst city in the worst zone. Point is where the Horde stands is Blizzard being forced to replace the leadership with NPcs that only around 2 people know even exist.

Crossroads: The Hunt For Echyeakeskakee. The Hunt for Echeyeteyaekee. The Hunt for the Lion.


With a character roster like that, this could only ever be a hard pass for me.


Thats when you remember that crossroads is a word with its meaning beoyund being a wow city :laughing: