New shockadin villain arc coming with new patch?

In before holy shock gets gutted and all the pallets come claim horde favoritism and all the devs play shaman.

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heh. i dont really have a good feeling about this.

i dont know though.

at least they’ll already be in their pretty dresses so they can reluctantly do the needful and heal. or quit, either way

LMAO… I’m just that lucky. =)

I just got a kang the decapitator for 20g. WOOT.

My damn level needs to update. I’m currently about to hit lv45. =)


I could see this going either way realistically tbh

on the one hand, (and this is fact) horde players have been incentivized to group for faster queue times resulting in an easier time crushing alliance solo queuers for all of SoD, one could deduce among other decisions that there hasn’t exactly been alliance favoritism in SoD as far as faction power balance in PVP

on the other hand, making shockadin capable of machine gunning holy shocks from 40 yard range (apparently the tome that increases the range for damage reduction only reduces the base damage lmao) is an idea so hilariously busted for PVP that I could see it making it’s way through and staying for P5

damn man go buy a lottery ticket

well honestly after seeing what they allowed in p2 with way of earth dual wield rockbiter and mid p3 - early p4 trap ranged hunter i honestly can see it getting through the cracks and being quietly touted as “sweet sweet revenge” for the alliance.

come play the real game homie world PVP still exists in 2024

you can be a red draenei now

those “ew” red draenei are evil!

nah it’s cool they talked it out with Velen and now they’re chill

their /waggle may be strong but not as strong as the blues!

there is a customizable dirigible mount

I’m gonna put a blimp on mine

really though , with the mega server maybe allowing both factions to be played on the same pvp server , i may dust off the old lvl 25 pally (who also has verrigans fist and some bfd gear) :smiley: .

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ok but look how dope I look

pretty good :smiley: .

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I was going to try out retail cuz I had a dry spell (before I started leveling paladin). But I just can’t get into it just from watching others play it. There is too much going on now and its so hard to track. They gave everyone and their mother like 2 or 3 ways to interrupt and force casters to do damage with nothing but instant cast spells. I want them to make casting great again. =)

it’s definitely a faster pace but worth trying, as with any version of WoW, your greatest assets in PVP are

-knowledge of the classes in the game

I don’t know exactly everyone’s hero tree interactions yet, but I do know a great deal of classes capabilities from DF and a lot that carried into TWW. if you’re interested and have questions I got you fam

pvp gearing is ez, leveling is pretty easy, new zones are cool, warbands are great for alts, delves are solid (going to be better on Tuesday when the season starts and you can scale the difficulty higher), I know it’s early to call it but if they keep delivering like the 0.5 patch looks like it will, this will easily be the best expansion in a long while, and DF wasn’t even bad, it had a solid foundation gameplay wise. it wasn’t GREAT though. this expac so far is GREAT

Yes, DF was by far their best expansion in a long time. Solo Shuffle was release like 7 years too late. Didn’t like the long queue times. I bet solo rbgs will be the same.

I just get turned off when I watch it. I know a big part of the reason is you have to buy it and I promised to never give blizzard another dollar after the d4 debacle. Well, except for the sub I need to play SOD/Era. =) lol

I have a feeling they’re gonna pop off, I think off season solo RBGs queues before the launch of TWW were normally like 6-7 min queues and that was the tail end of DF in the prepatch, I played a few games.

if you liked how the classes played in DF, TWW hero trees are mostly passive interactions with a few that have like just 1 new active ability, it’s great

things I would change would be adding things like the Bigdebuffs addon baked into the game, you shouldn’t have to download addons to be able to have that important information made available to you. you’re handicapping yourself if you don’t have it because everyone else has that or a weakaura for it, it should work just like bigdebuffs baseline in the game. you should see that someone is being feared and the remaining duration on fear.

I’m actually hopeful that at some point this will be addressed in the future though, the retail devs have been cooking

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They don’t need a dress to heal you anymore. They can beacon you well they spam 4000 holy shocks on the boss and you eat 4k heals none stop.

Or 2k in PVP take your pick