New Shaman Tank Spec: Earth Warden

why are we capped at 3 spec’s? Would be awesome if blizzard introduced a 4th spec for all and gave them a radically different role to play.

Melee priest (not paladin. lol), tank mage, healing hunters… Lets get crazy with it!


About the only reason I’d like this is because it’d mean there’d be renewed focus on the health of the class, which would involve elemental and enhancement.

It’d be another ball in the juggler’s hands, but he’d at least be focused on getting the trick down for some period of time while he’s learning the old trick with a new twist.

I personally, am a fan of being able to creatively construct your class, so in Pen and Paper, this would be fantastic. But for something that must co-exist and involves balanced development work, I have conservative estimates on proper execution of an endevour.

Will they? Two and a half weeks of the bloody holidays. About the only thing chill is the weather.

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ya man I get what you’re saying. It would be more to handle than they probably want, but I feel like if they can shoehorn in an entire class as late as last expansion, it shouldn’t be too hard fitting a tanking spec into this class. Though I won’t be holding my breath…:sleeping:

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I actually think some classes would be better off with a reduction in specs (like DH only have two) and then giving some of the abilities of the canceled spec to the other specs to make those specs have more depth. I would wager if Blizzard was starting over they wouldn’t require every class to have at least 3 specs like they did before introducing DH.


I’ve been asking for this for some time now, and the Shaman community has been for even longer. I love the class, and I love being flexible with the specs. The only role we can’t fill is Tank, and there’s enough classes now for Druid to not be the only full-range class anymore. The spec idea is so easy to picture, it’s not something crazy like a rogue that can heal or something. Just a Shaman who uses their Earthen abilities to protect himself and his raid.

P.S. I main Ele for PvP and I know that there’s plenty of things wrong with the existing specs. Not gonna just say “fix ____ before you try doing something else.” With that logic you might as well tell them to halt content production till they fix what’s already live lol.


They should halt production until they fix whats already live. No on Prop ShamTank.

Would love to see a tank spec for Shaman.


Been saying this for years. I would love to see our specs be divided by the four elements (water for resto, air for enhance, fire for elemental, and earth for a tank spec) and for mail wearers to FINALLY get a tank spec.

Mail is tougher than leather, but leather gets THREE tank specs and we still have NONE?

No. I don’t want enhance changed to a tank spec unless there is a melee DPS spec as well. Druids honestly have no logical reason to have 4 specs, but Shaman DO. While I’m not advocating taking tools away from druids, I’m saying the nature (literally) of Shaman makes them a BETTER choice for both a 4th spec AND one of those being a tank spec.


you can tank a bit in classic wow remember shield talents and stoneskin totem?yes you could 1hd shield as enhancement back in the day.


I would absolutely love a shaman tank. Lightning wielding, hammer, and shield. What more could you ask for?


If they would make a shaman tank spec I would get my rocks off.


If they give Shamans a tank spec you better invite me to watch Notholy

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You want to be a useless mana sponge?

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I mean, Enhancement used to be a tank spec but they reworked it to dps

This is something I’ve always wanted for shaman. I feel like each of our current specs have a bit of identity toward one of the elements in particular.

Resto is Water.

Enhancement is Air.

Elemental is Fire.

Naturally it’s not that cut and dry, each spec has abilities for every element, but there’s a bit more focus on each one per spec. So naturally, we should have an Earth focused one. In my perfect world this would be Geomancy, a 2-handed tank spec. I’d love to see this come to life.


How about we fix our current specs before adding more specs to our redheaded step child of a class, yeah?

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WTB shaman tank spec please. I hate to say it but I would sacrifice enhancment for it.


This argument is sooo old. Next.

It’s old because it’s still a problem lol. I’d rather have a sound 2 role class than a problematic 3 role class.

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While it’s a nice idea, it won’t solve the tank shortage for a number of reasons.

People still abuse tanks.
People still do things like pull that annoy tanks.
There’s still limited raid tank slots.
Tanking is still the responsibility heavy role that turns off many players.

Adding more tank classes won’t magically fix the problem, which is completely community created.