New shaman pvp - drenai vs dwarf vs dark iron dwarf

hi guys, which of these 3 ally classes do you think would be best for shaman, mostly pvp. racials plus animations and aesthetics. thanks!

Dark iron most likely. My fav is OG dwarf, especially with the cosmetic changes coming with Shadowlands.

With as many bleed and magic dots in the game currently I would say any dwarf. Though the buff you get from dispelling of said dots by DI make it pretty irresistible.

They are doing cosmetic changes?

Pick anything. Races only matter at high end ladder when you’re consistently quing into comps and some parts of the season more comps become more popular than others.

Also as we’re in the last patch, the more gear you get, the more value you get out of Draenei active racial and heroic presence passive.

essentially all 3 are overkill if you have the foresight to pre gw stuns with the 2 gw talents and minor essence we have.

thanks for reminding me I need to make an alliance so i can unlock dark iron dwarfs. I wish horde had gotten them.

Dwarf or kul tiran

With assas rogues everywhere, Stoneform is huge. Kul tiran w little extra vers and the passive healing makes your even more tanky in wolf w triple pack spirit

All the others are sub par

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Doesn’t Fireblood clear bleeds and poisons as well?

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They are unlucky a lot of cosmetic changes (hair, eyes, tattoos, etc…) for the core races during Shadowlands.

Stoneform also gives 10% physical mitigation so has value outside of rogues

true but the dark iron passive also removes then buffs your primary stat by some amount - cant figure out by how much but it might be primary stat multiplied by number of debuffs you removed.

Primary stat is heavily reduced in pvp. That’s why you see people sacrifice ilvl for Secondary stats, which are not reduced

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oh interesting I see what you mean, that’s kind of a bummer if you want dark iron

whats best for shaman pvp? a better class.

Go with the Dark Irons; their fireblood racial is pretty OP and stacks with heroism.


I wish alli got vulpera :sob:

dwarf for resto shaman, dark iron for elemental.

the primary stat buff from fireblood is not reduced in pvp. it’s 600 base and an extra 200 per debuff removed. it’s pretty much a dps trinket, especially if you have 2-3 spells on you.

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is another class an option?

If you are specifically going to play elemental shaman in arena PvP …

I would go dwarf or pandarian.

Dwarf is good for defense and surviving, elemental shamans biggest weakness.

Pandaren is good to lay 25 seconds of disables with your teammates and secure a kill.

Elemental is not that bad in arena but in random bgs they are very awful. In random bgs you spend most of your time building up maelstrom just to explode 1 guy - which is very inefficient in bgs because you need to kill constantly.

Now in arena it’s different. You can farm maelstrom and prepare your burst combo to secure a kill.

In any pvp (random bg or arena) you want to cast storm bringer coldown and cast 1x earth shock so you get a surge of power then cast lightning bolt to get 3x bolts. Then earth shock again to get a second surge of power and lightning bolt 3x more times.

This burst works good with lava shock.

So save 110 maelstrom and 20 stacks of lava shock and pump 2 earth shocks 2 surge of powers and 6x lightning bolts.

But yea, elemental struggles in random bgs because we can only kill a target once a minute rather than once every few seconds. Fun if you like to duel or arena or do 1v1s.

Goodluck buddy.