Hey folks!
I played way back at launch but stopped before the first expansion, so far all intents and purposes I’m a newbie and decided to give WoW a go. I understand that the Blizzard forums are notorious for harboring a particularly gloomy outlook when it comes to class changes and updates, so I’m hoping to get a little clarification from the vets!
I have no interest in WoW PvP, no real interest in the Mythic / whatever the late end game grinding content is, and am likely gonna be sticking to casual(ish) raid / PvE stuff with friends and the like. Reading over the forums, it seems like Shamans are in a bit of a rough patch and possibly getting worse with the next expansion, but I’m not sure whether that’s coming from casual play or folks who really push the 1%.
Just trying to get an idea for which class to kick off with before I run headfirst into a wall with the expac!
They are getting overhauled on the beta today, I will check it out when I get off work and get back to you
Prior to today though, they were in the worst place I have seen when DF started, and that got better with some buffs.
Shaman has been viable for a while now.
I main Resto, and see mostly other healers in retail, but you run acoss an ele or or an enhance too.
We have both in my guild, you can totally play either and clear anything up to max vault without too many issues.
Thanks for this, and for your follow up! I look forward to hearing about it - I’ve seen the new trees but I have no context so none of it means anything to me. I don’t care about being the ‘top,’ I just want to be viable and not be turned away from casual content due to my class!
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anything higher than max vault and you start migrating to the sweatiest of tryhard meta fan club.
Not everyone is that way, but you will start to feel it when you apply for groups, and there is a palpable downriver effect from this plaguing even the baby keys.
If you have anxiety about being rejected by a group, I would go look at the RIO leaderboards, and pick one of those classes.
If all you care about is being able to be an asset to the people you are running with, Shaman is in a pretty good spot.
It’s definitely more the latter; I’ve been gaming for decades at this point, I don’t have anxiety over being rejected so much as I don’t like the idea of investing time in a class that gets rejected on its face. If that happens to be more in the aforementioned sweatier elements of the game then it’s no bother for me so long as the class is viable for the rest!
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Another tip for you, Leveling in Pandaria remix right now is lightening fast.
There is a trick with not looting XP tokens, then not opening your mailbox that makes 10-70 somewhere around an hour and a half.
If I were in your shoes coming back, I would go get myself 4-5 of the classes you feel you might be interested in, and have them all at 70.
This will let you get a general vibe of how a class plays, it is in a mode where you will be superpowered, so its not apples to apples, but you will get the flavor.
having more than one 70 is great so you dont have to start from scratch if Blizzard decides to hit us with a nerf bat, lol
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Either that or races u want heritage armor. Since they will get the quest at max level once transfered
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