New shadow priest is visually the most boring spec

One basically has some green in it. If you said drain soul, this would have been a better argument imo.

Um yeah I’d expect a projectile to be flashier. I’d rather my damage instantly hit rather than take time to travel anyways. Not every spec needs to have a flashy filler but with mind blast, idk it makes sense the way it is.

This is the only one of the 3 that I agree with but even so I’d rather have apparitions spawning than a spell effect you barely notice anyways.


I will have to disagree. I run a balance druid in glyph because I don’t like chicken for, and balance is just light. Can’t see your transmog well because its all washed out. It’s just there. Nothing to see other than showing everyone you’re not tank, youre not resto, youre not feral

Highly disagree with this.
The new shadow changes makes us drop more shadowy apparitions than before.

In an AoE situation after dotting everything and then castin a mind blast you send a bunch of ghost to every target, and if you crit you send 2 to every target and that alone already feels way better than Arcane mages, Hunters or the ugly Drain Soul from warlocks.

Maybe they could make DP visuals a little better now that the spell is back.


You mean those little puny missiles, and the no projectile Arcane Blast?. A million shadowy apparitions coming out of you and spreading towards ALL your targets looks way cooler than those tiny arcane missiles.

About the purple/shadow form, I get some people dislike it, I personally think the old one was a bit better but don’t mind it either, still way cooler than no form at all (you know like Arcane mages).


It’s not like the people adding the visuals are responsible for class design. The artists can add visual flair while the designers fix whatever issues arise.

spriest was way cooler with the old shadowform. it was very nightmarish and looked great. loved how my spriest looked in MoP


Shadow has one of the most visually-unique characteristics in the entire game, shadowform.

Sure, it doesn’t have huge allegories like fire mage. But hey: Not everything is for everyone. And that’s ok! :wink:

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I think we all know that this is not the case.

If it were true then some visual changes that have NO IMPACT on the performance of a class would come much sooner.

How many years did it take for them to start adding new looks in different races?

There are other things that people keep asking for in glyphs and … they keep waiting.

I’ve been watching gameplay videos, and I tend to agree. Visually, shadow is pretty bland. The only time it looks somewhat cool is during voidform. Other than that it’s just a purple cloud using mindflay once in a while

It also doesn’t help that almost none of our spells have actual animations you can see. The only ones are mindflay, mind sear, and Voidbolt.
Voidbolt is locked behind a cd so it’s hardly ever seen, so we really only see mindflay unless we’re close enough to a target to see the animations of mindblast and our dots

If I recall correctly, back in Legion (beta?) the tentacle effects were so much more visually present, it was pretty neat.

I dont mind not having much visuals animation on my spriest… we are attacking our targets mind of course we can’t see the festering madness we are inflicting on them. I think the shadow spell casting animation is enough for us. Our shadow form could use some love though. I do miss the old form but dont mind the current one it usually only bothers me while I’m flying and puffs of smoke hit my screen


I think both shadow form and astral form look lame but at least druid has some of the coolest looking spells like lunar strike, moonfire and star surge

I remember at high stacks you’d even spawn mini tentacles from your arms and hands.

Was fun to look like a floating blob of void tentacles. Like a shadow octopus shooting mind lasers at everyone

I think if this was a comparison with SPriest and Fire Mage, I could see the point, but with balance, I just find it very plain. In a way, they should have kept it as chicken only and no glyph, and I hate chicken form! (I got some flack in Classoc trade chat when I said I didn’t like chicken form. They apparently love it to death lol). Balance to me is mostly blinding quick flashes of light. Which aren’t great for people like me who get the visual aura with my migraines.

I was watching a discussion between Publik Ellipsis and Slooty. Apparently some people are complaining that they don’t like playing with Spriests because their visual effects are so great now that they can’t see anything. So ya, i’m def not too worried about boring visuals lol

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Personally I’d like it if we could spawn Shadow Orbs, Tentacles or Shadow Ravens based off our sanity levels. But I also would like the ability to conceal Shadowform completely while keeping the above visuals as an option. Really it’s just the way the puffs of smoke hit the screen for me when I fly. The flicker really can hurt the eyes.

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Idc if it shot out polygons. I just want it to be fun to play again. Playing wow for graphics is like eating cake for nutrition.

I like an overall “less” flashy graphics/animations going on.

I like the fact that “most” of our damage doesn’t have travel animations as it gives you a “slight” edge in PvP where you can start unloading into a swap target or w/e and it might take a sec to figure out what direction your coming from as they wont see an ice/fie/shadow spell trail to point an arrow right at you. I like that, I want that to remain.

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I agree. I always loved my spriest effects.

Classic Shadow assaults the mind in subtle ways. Contrary to what Legion/BfA would lead you to believe, we’re not supposed to wear giant purple “kick me!” signs.