I agree. Much to you.
That is NOT what you said.
You said this…
That’s not a merge. That’s kicking people off a server to make way for the F R E S H tribe to take it over.
That is not even close to the lesson you ACTUALLY received. It’s ok to be wrong.
Move along now.
Or…don’t move on. Reply back at a feeble attempt to justify your ignorance so I can reply with something I already have in mind for people like you that MUST WIN at Keyboard wars.
Forum PvP, shame they try it in greens. Tell em to gear up and git gud!
Hey, settle down you.
When I said people would be “kicked off” their server, obviously they aren’t being “kicked off” literally. But, in effect, they kinda would be. You can call it being moved or coded off, or whatever.
You are talking about having players from server B switched permanently to server A, so that the fresh tribe can move into a cleared server B.
One could say, tongue-in-cheek, if you will, that server B people are getting kicked out, or over to server A.
I report a lot of robots every day. I hate robots. They ruined World of Warcraft.
That’s why I’m here.
Please don’t taunt me.
tic toc still waiting
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