New Server Population Daily Updates Possible from Devs?

Is it possible to have the devs give us daily updates on the server populations for the new servers like Eranikus? It would be brutal to transfer as alliance and have it be all horde, or vice versa especially seeing as they will get locked once full.

I think by being transparent on the populations on a daily basis of where they are at it would be a lot more reassuring for people on the fence about transfering.

Yes please! That is one thing that must happen for my guild to consider it as a destination.

I wish they would do what this game I used to play called Tibia does. They have a live page for all the servers that shows how many people are online. You can click the server name and it’ll load up the names, level and classes of everyone currently online:


Were on the fence about it as it gets our guys stuck on bene with us as we are on grobb, but without knowing what the faction balance will be / currently is were hard stuck on a no at the moment. The fact that its not a PvE server like Old Blanchy is a plus, as we love to wPVP. The downside is we just have no information.

Our guilds in a rough spot at the moment. If queues stay like this most people wont be able to logon first few weeks for raid,let alone play. If we transfer and its a dead server, we may not be able to fill attrition at the start.

If we stay on Grobb and all the alliance transfer, were now on a dead server with the opposite faction dominating it. If all the horde leave Grobb were on a mini-bene (eww).

If we had some actual information about faction populations going forward it would help sway us a lot. I transferred over one of my basically dead characters and the transfer timer is already 5 hours, and I can scan the pop for a few days to get some rough estimates, but some concrete information would be amazing.

You’re asking a company who has absolute garbage community relations to offer more empty discussions filled with fluff? They aren’t even transparent on basic communications let alone anything regarding statistics.

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They could always just do better

They could do better. We’ve been watching them, for years, “handling” dumpster fires their decisions created which just stoked the fires. Thinking they will change this time is more or less copium.

Well the most information you’ll be able to get right now is here:

Which said Sulfuras is approaching 50/50 H/A and they’ll leave alliance transfers in to keep it that way as well.

“hoping” /10char

I think really the problem is people like you who instead of trying to give anything constructive just insult. It pushes CMs and Devs away from talking to the community.

I mean really, who would want to have an intelligent conversation with someone just throwing out insults.

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https:// wowclassicpop. com/overview

best we have atm. not sure how accurate.

Right here is the most accurate.

Whether you trust blizzard or not, can’t help that. But this is what they said on it.

ive already commented many times on that thread and stated that it was 53 46

If they told you the actual population then they’d just be embarrassing themselves with how pitiful it is to have 6 hour queues for that amount of people

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