New Season of Discovery Realm - Chaos Bolt (RP-PvP)

Yeah it is. They build it up and feed on it

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Booooo new RP-PVP server is west coast datacenter and Crusader Strike was east coast (based on my latency).

What a rip, I don’t wanna game with the streamers.

Would be super dope if not every single server was full with alliance… even the new RP PVP is full now. Legit cant play with my friends who went ally xD fml cant make Alliance at all on any PVP realm?

Whats the difference you are seeing?

I was getting under 30ms on Crusader Strike and 90-110ms on Chaos Bolt :frowning: sad

you know they did this in 2019 to and the server died? rather than being patient right?

in 2019 Grob was the big full server, they created a 2nd rppvp called deviate delight, it died soo quick.

Chaos bolt will be empty after crusader strike gets sorted out…and the cycle of people crying will come full circle again


Not going to happen. Every real grin player transferred immediately despite having a crusader strike character such as myself.

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Oh well? People should have the option rather than blizzard doing what they did earlier and say no.

They don’t know anymore than we do if it’s going to last days or months till the fad dies off and asmonbalding screws off somewhere else like he did with FFXIV. Nobody should be expected to just put up with that if we’re paying to play.

Simple as that. So good on blizz for actually doing it.

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it did suck that the RP PVP community had to set twitter and the forums on fire and the devs on twitter were just like “ehh just go play rp or pvp server instead, Crusader strike is full tough luck losers”

like grobbulus has had a healthy faction split and server size since classic launched 4 years ago.

telling us "tough luck " was so out of touch.


false, all the try hard grob guilds stayed crusader strike, because they are not dumb and understand the 2nd fresh server will be empty…

like all the actual world pvpers are on crusader strike…all the people crying about Qs went to chaos bolt, legit MOTHS to a flame.

100% people will complain and ask for a merge in 3 weeks of chaos bolt being empty.

do you play this game? do you understand blizz did it in 2019 opened tons of fresh servers, and it created the biggest mess ever?

Blizzard giving in to people that can’t be patient on day 1 of a new game, is just going to hurt those people in the long run that will be stuck on dead servers…happens EVERY time lol

Happened in 2019 vanilla, tbc and warth fresh servers all ded lol

And they did give in. Case closed.

Nah, Crusader Strike will be dead once all the streamers get bored and move on to the next new thing. The real Grobbulus and Emerald Dream players will be on Chaos Bolt.


yeah give a couple days for them to suffer 2 hour plus log queue times.

Alliance faction is dead moment asmongold leaves like faeralina.

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Or the fresh Wrath server he played on for a bit.

exactly if your guild is still on Cruasder strike and point this out to your GM instead of letting your guild waste days playing for nothing.

none of them are on chaos bolt, literally on crusader strike, and majority rolled crusader strike before streamers even came on there, as they did it last min.

asmongold was on lone wolf at the start of todays launch.

Crusader strike is a literal mega server lol…chaos bolt is already majority allie, your not gonna have good pvp there.

Chaos bolt=deviate delight 2.0. Crusader strike=world pvp mecha, has actual balance with all the allie/horde guilds.

Horde reporting chaos bolt is empty and it’s majority allie lol.

Settled on going Lava Lash but as someone who has long been an RPPVP fan since the start you so much Blizz for actually listening, because this was a catastrophic problem most of us were not expecting to become adressed. RPPVPers deserve a proper home and Chaos Bolt is it.

I rolled a few characters there but I may roll horde, it’s a RP-PVP server so hopefully it will even out. I forgot you can’t roll horde and alliance on a pvp server. Waiting a few days perhaps to see on horde and hopefully keep my names.

Who are you receiving your news from? Lol