I have enjoyed the rune system, especially the new runes that are completely fresh abilities.
More than anything though, I enjoy the truly new roles clases can take on instead of just using re-hashed retail abilities from later expansions to do what we do already.
This should continue! To rattle a few ideas:
Melee Spellsword Mage (Gain two-handed Sword weapon skill, enchanted to deal pure Arcane, Frost, or Fire damage, Blink gains the ability to return to original casting spot, casted spells are channeled through the sword (think Guild Wars 2 Mesmer)).
Ranged Rogue (Focused on Throwing weapons, Shurikens, Bombs, etc. Fan of Knives, Deadly throw, NPC abilities like Pinning Shot or Piercing Shot, etc.)
Pet Class Mage (Similar to OG Everquest Enchanter, but makes Mage a perma pet class where they enchant a two-handed weapon in their inventory to act autonomously (think the floating enchanted weapons in Naxxramas).
Melee Priest (Orginal Vanilla got close to trying this with Discipline being almost Monk-like, having things like Inner Fire for armor/attack power, and Power Infusion (and later Pain Supression)
Ranged Warrior/Master of Arms (Think thrown Javelins/Spears or Polearm + Shield type gladiator gameplay, or a spec to ahowcase many weapon types (since Warriors can use everything), with different abilites using different weapons.
Lone Wolf Ranger Hunter (Just make a pet-less Hunter viable. Right now it’s a complete waste of a rune because it’s not only non-competitive due to Pet Scaling and the power of the Beast Mastery rune, but it’s boring. Give more traps, bolas, shots or tracker-type things.)
Can’t waig for the next phase, but hoping it’s not just more abilities from later expansions filling out the rune slots.