New rper looking for guild and friends

Hi guys :wave:t2: I’m a mostly new RPer and new to This realm. I main horde on WRA. I’m looking for a guild for my human character. Something fun an active, I’m interested in job like guilds(bartending etc) adventure,casual. Anything except military and dark themes as they don’t fit my idea for the character. Thanks :heartbeat:


Why, hello there, dearest. It is I, your friendly Samaritan/Hireling/Hairstylist offering you a helping hand as a true welcoming gesture, for I certainly know you won’t be disappointed with your brilliant choice for a new realm to call home.

Feel free to join me and the merry MG folk in any Stormwind tavern, plaza, or open street for a fun walk-by RP session. We’re friendly people and we’re most definitively most eager to meet you, Alyana.


Hello, hello!

The first guy has covered introductions just fine, but if you’re looking for a casual sort of food-service experience (Not quite bartending, but–) I can emphatically point you towards Mailang and her guild < Om Nom Noodles >. It’s a Pandaren-style eatery that, I would say, is the most prominent restaurant/catering-style experience on the server.

Best of luck to you, and see ya’ around!

Thank you!

Welcome to Moonguard.

Hiya, Alyana.

On behalf of my fellow Goblins at Flashbang Exports, Welcome to Moon Guard!

Of course, if you were a Goblin, and wanted to join the Boomtastik fun, well, we would be showering you with all sorts of golden opportunities. Maybe even setcha up in a restaurant of your very own! For a percentage of the profits, dat is. Hehehe

Anyways, if ya get tired of bein’ a Human, come look us up. We got whatcha need, even if you don’t know you need it.

Welcome to the Moon Guard!

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I main a horde on WRA so wouldn’t be opposed to trying it out

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Welcome to Moon Guard! I hope you enjoy your stay, should you ever want some cross-faction shenanigans a fair amount of the Horde attends neutral events, I’d post the link to the MG Events Calendar but it doesn’t look like its been used for a while. The Horde/Neutral one has been kept fairly updated though and that’ll be useful at least for the Neutral ones.

Thank you!

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