New roll talent discussion

So thoughts on the new roll talent that adds that double jump?

Personally after giving it a test in Orgrimmar I’m not sure about it felt clunky to use like there’s some sort of delay or something to it…
Yet to try it like in action but definitely feeling a tinge of concern about it’s usefulness outside of well saving you after you launch off a cliff.


Pretty cringe talent and the dash is so short it doesnt matter. I am sure someone will find some random use for it, pretty wet rat tier though.


Yuh once I start experimenting with things myself think it’ll be among the first talents to go.

I talented it for about 20 seconds total then removed it, outside of some random niche usage it seems really dumb.


Neat flavor talent. Shouldn’t be a capstone. Potential for being busted in PvP.

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An incredibly powerful talent in PvP. It actually got stealth nerfed in some Beta builds to add cooldown to Roll.

How is it powerful? It is just a clunky attempt to replace skyreach. In DF you could roll into skyreach and start doing damage. Now you have to roll, pray for the enemy not to change direction, oh crap, roll went right through the enemy, use clunky double jump and pray again you reach the enemy this time around so you can start doing damage

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Forgive me.

Powerful for Mistweaver*

Bring back Skyreach.


are people talking about the double jump or the dash? lol

I dont like the dash but i like the double jump

The trick with the double jump is to do it immediately after Rolling to conserve momentum: timing is tighter on this than expected.

With the dash being so short it doesn’t seem practical in a boss fight, though. It works against displacement effects like Shaman’s Gust of Wind, but Transcendence already did that.

Double jump

I couldn’t get the double jump to work. Maybe I’m missing something.

Lol. This was my exact impression too. Specced it, tried it once, laughed at how bad it was, and now it’ll be yet another monk capstone that rots all expansion.


Funny enough Icy Veins and Wowhead have it on their MW builds like so hope they’re trollin omg :dracthyr_crylaugh: