Few days behind, but I didn’t see anyone talking about it so I’m plastering it here.
Browsing the news and found this:
The specialized poses are great, but I also like the fact you can put a point counter over your head, add and subtract to it and especially the combat stance. I don’t really do fights in an RP context, or at least try not to, but it’s great to be able to adapt to a combative stance without requiring a training dummy or critter nearby which has been the solution for decades.
Some of these seem specific to an Undermine zone, but I’m hoping these are just a testing ground and that they will just be accessible anywhere and whenever you want.
Know that roleplaying is a bit of a niche community but it’s very neat these are being added to the game.
From a lot of the recent toys and cosmetics and flavor dialogue in recent content, I get the impression there are some RPers on the dev team throwing in a few ideas.
And it’s brilliant. We are a niche community for sure, but roleplaying elements are gamechangers for us and super fun for everyone else.
It’s also a smart business move, honestly. There aren’t many of us, but we make our own content and we’re the first in line to buy good cosmetics. That’s how SWTOR is still alive.
I agree entirely. When folks are out of stuff in-game to do, especially at the tail ends of seasons like now, they go into roleplay more often. I can see people going to Undermine just to use it as an RP hub and literally nothing else.
I’m super happy you don’t have to farm some obscure instance or anything, you can just get them. And super happy it’s not addon related which makes it easier to just get into instead of downloading half a dozen extra addons as a prerequisite.
I’m pretty pumped for it, can’t wait to see how it plays out.
I’m guessing a lot of this is, but can’t think of a better test bed. Heck, 11.1 in general seems hyper experimental which is quite a deviation from the norm.
You expect your new content and buffs/nerfs, but there’s a whole ton of changes. 11.07 is going to seem like a completely different game when 11.1 hits.
I’m all for the leaning animation but if it’s goblin exclusive when you have two of the weekly Earthen right there in Dorn doing that animation, that’ll be a tad bit silly.
It’s actually all the way from BFA, you see it a lot in Kul Tiras. And a knife throwing animation, carrying food, drunk stumbling, unique sitting animations, things like that.
We got a lot of BFA NPC gear in Siren Isle, speaking of, but we’re still missing a lot of that. Still, it’s a really encouraging step.
Especially the Arathi Supply Crate. People go CRAZY for that, and it’s all so accessible to a casual player.
Makes me wonder how RP friendly Midnight is gonna be. Like we’re getting housing, so it’s only uphill from here.
Great. RP communities are too often left behind.
I’d personally like to see an opt out option for different toys and effects that are disruptive. Things like forced dancing, ball kick spam, and the giant slamming kobold.