New Rise of Azshara Cinematic: “Safe Haven”

CGI Sad Orcs, nice.


No Alliance cinematic? Figures.


You know, weirdly enough, the explanation that actually makes the most sense is the explanation that Thrall doesn’t even seem to consider at the end, which is that the rogues weren’t sent on an assassination mission to kill him, which Saurfang just happened to arrive in time to stop, but rather that they were sent there to wait for Saurfang, who they would naturally expect to eventually pay a visit to Thrall in an attempt to recruit him.

Though obviously they might still treat the recruitment effort by Saurfang as something likely to succeed, given what people know about Thrall (or believe that killing Saurfang in front of Thrall would make him re-emerge against Sylvanas), which would lead their orders to being to kill them both (though with how durable orcs are, it’s possible they were just trying to wound or disarm Thrall and would have fled upon killing Saurfang). Either way, Thrall’s initial sense that Saurfang was the cause of his endangerment was probably correct - absent Saurfang’s growing effort to stop Sylvanas, Thrall would probably have been left alone.


“Saurfang good. Sylvanas bad.”


Maybe they weren’t there to assasinate Thrall, Just there to scout it out, keep and eye on him. Then when they saw Saurfang they decided they needed to do something about it.


Nice to hear Chris Metzen’s voice again!


Yeah man, you got it. :grinning:


so a couple questions get raised.

potential spoilers follow if you fail to watch the video FIRST

A) “not far”. okay… not far as in, over the river and through the woods at grandmother’s house, or not far as in, buried behind the house?

B) a couple rogues (whose stealth function looks more like cloaking than shadow magic for whatever cinematic reason) are sent to find newly hairdo’d Thrall. were they:

  1. sent to kill thrall specifically,
  2. sent to kill Thrall if he joined up with Saurfang,
  3. sent to confirm thrall’s location and report on his activities and whether or not saurfang had made contact, and only attacked because they thought killing saurfang was possible.
  4. were hunting saurfang, couldn’t find him, and decided to seek out one of the places he might go: thrall’s house, and wait for him to show up.

C) morally grey… ? uh huh. :nauseated_face: what a load of :poop: so, we have “choices” to be or not to be… but nothing so far cinematic or story wise has reflected anything but the EXACT direction players have OBJECTED too since the pre-patch. why are we supposed to keep following along if we chose to stick with the now entirely ruined character of Sylvanas and what is the point of the choices?

either way it was gorgeous. hat’s off to the people behind the animation etc. the story however… i’m just going to ignore from now on.


In case everyone forgot, Orcs are bada**!

Saurfang followed them, they didn’t plan on him being there.

Btw, is that Durotar’s axe?


A million times this. I’m hoping that coming back to Blizzard as a voice actor will be better for his health/sanity than his time in leadership.


that’s what I said

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If that would give me the opportunity to play as a Dark Ranger, Im open for that tbqh.

That would make a lot of sense actually. I just rewatched the cinematic, and indeed the rogue actually makes an attempt on Saurfang, while the other rogue doesn’t go for Thrall but more towards deflecting his weapon out of his hand when he is turning towards Saurfang.

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Sorry, I’m still geeking out hard over that video.


Man I can’t wait to watch this after my BG queue pops. What Terran Gregory and his entire team do with these cinematic is nothing short of phenomenal. These movie cuts have been a shining star this expansion, fo sho.


Nobody is going to point out that Sourfang seemingly caught that rogue by the throat while he was stealthed? That’s some next level immersion-breaking stuff there!

Also, when can players get that skill? Spectral sight is nice and stuff but I’d love to just see rogues in stealth all the time like Sourfang does…


Saurfang has…


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Saurfang is awesome. Immersion is safe.


I’m starting to get some Horde pride back. I don’t play Orcs, but we need a green orc back in the warchiefs room. I can’t wait to see Thrall back in game. Sounds like he won’t be Warchief though. Let’s just put him and his family, wherever they may be… in one of the farms outside Org we can keep ol’Thrall close.


Pretty sure that’s been building up since at least Cata. Not really a sudden heelturn.


When saurfang snapped that rogues neck that was so satisfying I wish I could do that.