New Ret paladin Set Bonuses suck

New Ret set bonuses suck, If it stays like this then Ret paladin will likely end up using the AQ set or even Draconic over the Naxx set. Gaining spell crit on two of our abilities and giving us Holy Wrath as a baseline AOE ability is not as good as blizz thinks it is and will not make anyone want to use this set. At best, we use the 2-set bonus and nothing else. Not to mention, Holy Wrath will still cost like 900 mana per cast and even with all our mana recovery AND Libram of Plenty we won’t be able to make up for that amount spent, it’s just another nonsensical idea by people who clearly dont even play Ret paladin.

Please for god’s sake, change these set bonuses before the launch of the actual phase.