New recruit quest


I have completed a bunch of ice crown quest. Working on northernd loremaster. I’m level 70 because I don’t want to make 1,000 alts . I’m on the quest “New Recruit” which requires me to attack a lithe stalker to 33% health and use an item on it.

The issue is I 1 shot it every time. How am I suppose to lightly damage the monster to complete the quest?

I feel like this game has gone right down the drain for people who prefer the cata revamp streamlined questing. It’s so annoying you can’t timewalk at 70 to make these monsters not all be 1 shot.

Is there a method to do this or do I have to make another alt and then do the northernd entrance quest for a 3rd time in order to complete northernd loremaster? It’s so frustrating.

Most quests like that can be done using the Soft Foam Sword toy which can be bought from vendors in various cities. It’s specifically designed to help with quests like this.

It’s not perfect, as it won’t work on elite mobs, and it also requires you to be a certain level higher than the mobs, which can be higher than the level at which you start one shotting stuff leaving a gap where you’re still one-shotting stuff but aren’t high enough for the toy to work. (The second one won’t be an issue at 70, though.)