New Realms Coming for WoW Classic

All that name-res hype seems unneccessary now

I’m on Pagle too and not so thrilled that we’re apparently gonna have long queues, but most of the other PVE realms will likely be just as full on launch day. They should add 1 more. Not everyone plays this game for pvp.

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You must be retarded

No, but come on. You know exactly what he is talking about. They gave 4 hours notice here. People on the west coast are still at work. They could at LEAST give 24 hours notice so that more people have the opportunity to plan. You have to remember that entire guilds have already been established. How can you possibly rally a whole guild in 4 hours?


Theres clearly a difference between RP-PVP realm and a PVP realm.

THIS! THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT OF GIVING NOTICE! How do I get my people from all over the US to quickly jump into a server when they got other things going on. Can’t Xfer my entire guild of 30 people off Herod with 4 hours notice. Not happening.

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That gave me a thought. Those 10,000+ players. What if you divide that by 3?

What if 1 person made all 3 names on Herod.

Name reservation is a good ballpark but the actual players could be as much as 3x less than the number of name reservations.

Skeram means “Let’s go” in Latvian.

They are tracking it at the account level



Isn’t that were Dr Doom is from?

That’s where Captain Latvia is from!

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Of course everyone is going to try it.


Then the reality that is classic will set in and that will be the time for declarations.

“Transfer my people with less than four hours notice?” The server isn’t even live for another week. “Transferring” implies you were actually somewhere or invested somewhere. All anyone has done is reserve a name. Names are superficial. They pale in importance to extraneously long queue times, or at least, they should.

It look like you never ran a guild before of any size, cat herding is easier then running a guild. So yes it takes a lot of time and effort to get get just 10 people moving in the same direction, it is thousands of times harder for large guilds that number in the hundreds because you have to contact all of them, hear back from them, pick a time to meet in Discord, send that time out to everyone, hear back why they can’t make that time, send new time, hear back from others why that time is no good, rinse and repeat 3 to 5 more times…

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Or you know maybe some people don’t consider a name worth 15$. It’s not indicative of whether or not someone will stick around.

Get off your high horse.


Damn Blizzard, you guys can for sure get info out about your remake. do you guys not realize retail is falling apart by the seams. you guys should pull your heads out your asses and get it together or you are going to end up with two failed games. Just because you bit off more then you can chew.

classic will fail just as retail is. You bunch at Blizzard couldn’t hold together a bunch of sticks even if it was tied with rope.

This is a generalization of if you had to choose a trend. Which one would you pick? The people that do consider a name to be worth 15 bucks -despite being a minority , i think it’s fair to think that they are more enthusiastic or take it more serious than those that don’t. In general.

Oh in case you think I have some hidden agenda? I’m going to be completely casual.

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Thank you for another Pacific pvp realm. I was waiting for this.

Could really use another EST PvE Realm. :slight_smile: