New Realms Coming for WoW Classic

The way they could have tackled this is announcing that they will add more servers on Saturday, and by then the people holding off from re-subbing until launch would most likely join.
so people would have enough time to organize themselves, and Blizz would get a more accurate number of players a couple of days before launch to do some damage control and tweak things.


Christ which GM is coming up with this horrible realm names


Thanks for listening! Cool names :slight_smile: I moved off Herod onto Skeram.


Skeram is 10 times better than Stalagg.


I think of Sonii too /grin

Only three of those players you mention are actual PvP-known players.

The other is a follower.


Do we know that for sure? They opened up waaay too many realms for one.

Think about it thought right. Only the most dedicated players - those with guilds already formed, friend ships made, etc reserved their names. Which players do you think will stick around?

Those people? Or those who reserved late - or even during launch time? Who is the more dedicated bunch? Which server do you think will die first? The new ones.

I agree that the early name reserves represent dedicated Classic players. That means a realm that is overloaded now is unlikely to shrink as much as Blizzard predicts for the player base overall. Those realms are going to be way overloaded when Phase 2 is due and either layering must stay, or login queues will be a nightmare.

Personally I think Blizzard is wrong about the amount of shinkage to expect. Consequently a Medium realm will likely have a very large and healthy population when layering is put to bed.

For all you know retailers are the majority of the name reserve population.

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Could be. But I still think that group is most likely to stick around in Classic.

How about for normal realms? Can we get 1 more realms to spread out the high populations and reduce queue times?

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Say what? Listen to the community? Are you insane?
(Name reservation day)
Community: “You have way to few servers, you should make at least 5 more.”

Blizz: "Nah Bra, we know what we are doing. We can bring a server or two up when needed if these servers ever get full. snort like they will fill these bad boys up.

(4 days later, 3 after Herod went full)
Blizz: “OMG Herod is so full it has its own gravitational pull, everyone change plans in the next hour and jump into…Yo Jim what’s the name of that new server we just brought up? (Jim who is watching old reruns of Hogan’s Heroes and didn’t actually name the server yet) Name? Oh right it needs a name…call it Stalagg. I used that name last week when I couldn’t think of one and was zoning out on Hogan’s Heroes then too. There you go everyone jump into the POW Camp to save us…err you from queues that are only going to happen to Herod.”

Community: "Nah Bra, maybe if you gave us 24 hours notice and just did transfers off of Herod for a period we would move but we can handle the queues. Btw you still need more servers, there is a lot of people waiting to sub that didn’t care to waste half a sub period just for 3 names.

Blizz: “Nah we good if you just move from Herod to the POW Camp and we will wait until all the other servers join Herod in having queues before bringing up a new one.”

Community: “You will give us more notice and transfers next time?”
Blizz: " Ummm Mayyybbeee (While crossing fingers)"

(3 Days Later)
Blizz: “In about 5 hours we will bring up Two!, that’s right Two! new servers, because Herod still has the gravitational pull of Jupiter and queues are now a thing on all the full servers. We named these new servers…(drops some letters from a Scrabble game)…forget it I can’t even figure this out, you will know when Jim gets around to them.”

Community: “I thought we already had this talk the last time about giving us more notice and xfers of names to the new servers and you pull the same crap. Not moving. Btw you still need more servers”

Blizz: “Liar, liar pants on fire, we gave you 5 hours notice this time which is more than one. Also we have this figured out now and we good on servers.”


Everyone else but me move to a different server (said everyone)

I moved to Stalagg to avoid 10K queue on herod.

Now we’re about to hit Full on Stalagg too.

This is cray cray.

Man, if you want people to switch give us some heads up! All the good names go so quickly there’s no way I’m deleting a character on the OFF chance I’ll get my name 20hrs later because I wasn’t living on the forum and then slept.

Annoying. Lengthy queues but guaranteed population here I came! FOR HEROD!


Just because they didn’t do what you asked doesn’t mean they aren’t listening.

Announcing servers days in advance doesn’t help their problem.

I haven’t asked a thing of them. I’m just eating popcorn and having fun.

So I see you guys keep saying 10,000+ on Herod but what is the current count of players accounts that reserved names there. I know i that im hoping for a server with a minimum of 8,000 online at once. So like most you will have to force me from Herod. See you guys at the AMA

They gave a heads up. What are they supposed to do - wait and announce till after they have confirmation that you are on the forum? If the new realm announcement is important to you, check in frequently.