New Realms Coming for WoW Classic

Skeram - as in, all of you guys making Herod over-populated need to Skeram [pronounced Sk’rahm]


Ok Illidan isn’t the best example, I’ll admit that, Boulderfist is a better one. Boulderfist was one of the better servers in vanilla for PvP and it wasn’t popularized by having a name that belonged to a main character.

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10K was 6 minutes because people were dropping in, grabbing names and customizing a couple of characters, and dropping out. I would be willing to bet people are going to be on for hours at launch, not a few minutes.


I would except my guild already took 2 seperate votes on this subject and both times overwhelmingly elected to stay on Herod. I also have friends on Herod outside that guild.

This is the point I’ve argued with people a lot recently. Queues don’t exist when layering is still happening, they exist when a server has hit it’s maximum player/layer count and cannot handle more processes. Meaning that 10k players is 10k players you are waiting on to quit the game for 5 minutes and forfeit their slot on the server’s logged in player list.

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You guys know that your launch plan has been a total failure up until now?

I am sure some of Harods population will leave, hopefully bringing them down to just ‘FULL’ not holy cow insanely full. either way some will choose to stay other will decide to move I don’t think it really matters because all the servers will be plenty populated unless I am really off base on ~35% tourists and it really is like 80% tourists.

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ok that made me laugh LOL. Sad thing is, you are probably right lol.

The full name of the server would have to be “Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker” but you’re right.

Oh my, here comes the comments about not giving enough time before you open a new server. God save us all…

Did he ever apologise for that remark?

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Its way different then beta, and its wayyyyyyyyyy different past lvl10. Let me know how STV goes for ya.

You still have not told us what faction is dominating what sever? Not going to join an all alliance pvp server.

Increase the character creation limit

That would only exacerbate any faction imbalances.

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You missed the point. They made one server, and it’s not centrally located. I don’t know how many people from the west coast are going to be there, but I know at least a few thousand from the east coast are.

lol :rofl: i smell the burnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn XDDDDD

Hello everyone!

I have experience running Discord servers and have decided to leave my current server in exchange for starting a brand new community with this one.

If you are interested in joining our new server and being a part of the community, our discord server is down below.


If you’re really attached to your name and know what realm you want to try for send me a message on (Lala#1499) and I can try to help you out as there’s only one I cared about.

Why cant there be an EASTERN RP PVP! PLEASE!

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