New Realm Connections are Underway

Not only that, but all realms connected so far have been within the same battlegroup.

Nice to see a much needed action taken to help the lower pop servers. Took longer than it should but hey, itā€™s better late than never.

Grats to the low pops this helps out!!!


Only if theyā€™re in the same battlegroup and time zone.

Incorrect. Thereā€™s at least 8 from what I can see in game: Garona, Garrosh, Blackrock, Cenarius, Korgath, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth and Nazjatar. (The last three are connected and still manage to be low, yikes.) And thatā€™s not counting the ā€œNew Playersā€ realms. Who knows what the population is like on those.

It depends on the time of day you check - of course early morning on saturday going to have less people on than when i checked. Most people can count up to 5.

While true, the point still stands:

When they connect these realms, they should look at faction balance as well as population.


Interesting but it would have been a lot better if you also said which low-population realms where going to be connected at the start of it all rather than waiting each week to see if you are one of the (un)lucky low-population realms for this week.
Considering ā€œWeā€™ve now completed a comprehensive study of realm populations for every realm in the world.ā€ you know which realms are going to be connected to which realm so why are you not telling us?

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The solution could be much simpler. Make guilds cross-realm. Stop splitting the player base.

Later down the road consider adding an option to raid or dungeon cross-faction (The story is already establishing this as a logical option with the events of the War Campaign finale. And PVP and faction conflict still exists via War Mode and characters like Tyrande harboring old hatreds from their experience during the war.)

The biggest problem in BFA is The developers are constantly overthinking and over developing features, currencies, difficulties, catch-up mechanics, etc.

Introducing communities on top of guild structure was just another unintended way to split and confuse the connections players make in game.

Blizz I say this from a place of love and genuine positive feedback, stop splitting your player base, keep it simple stupid!

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Crz is cross realm zoning, not the same as connected realms. Connected realms pretty much is the same as merging, but you get to keep your name.


Amanā€™Thul is a low(Lol medium what) pop OCE server. Trade is dead and the AH is sad.

We canā€™t be merged with anyone, realistically. Weā€™re heavily alliance, and the only server they could pair us with is also alliance heavy.

Canā€™t improve a connection that far.

Please stop combining realms, some people choose a realm because it is small pop. Why do you have to connect them? Do you feel the game is dying that much that your answer is to do sharding and combining to make us think the game is popular still? We know it is near the end and the combining of servers just frustrates the player base. Instead just give free transfers to everyone. You will kill the AH on those realms.

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What are you talking about? People like me on dead servers (Garona in my case) canā€™t raid mythic because thereā€™s not enough people to group with and the AH is dead because thereā€™s not enough people posting things. Connecting realms is going to give us a bigger player pool, so weā€™ll be able to raid and use the AH. Youā€™re not making any sense.


Why canā€™t you be merged with anyone? Looking at the server list, looks like you could be connected with literally any realm in the Bloodlust battlegroup. Surely not all of them are Alliance heavy?

Fair enough, but if a realm shows as low pop at any time of the day, it should be connected. Some medium realms probably also need connecting.

You are using extremely old and out of date information referencing the bloodlust battlegroup. At the end of MoP/start of WoD (2014), the oceanic servers started being located in Australia. And a lot of those servers listed in that grouping are located in NA and no longer considered oceanic servers.

These are the oceanic servers now.

That said, it is very doubtful they are going to be looking at faction balance considering this is being mostly done for raiding purposes.

Iā€™m curiousā€¦ what prevents you from connecting all realms in any given data center? Wouldnā€™t it be awesome to spread the AH even wider? Grow the guild participation even larger? Are we heading that direction in the near future?

Itā€™s not out of date. Thereā€™s two battlegroups in Australia: Bloodlust and Vengeance (which share names with the LA battlegroups):

imgur. com/a/Ix3ihbF

That said, if you look at every connection done so far, theyā€™ve shared the same battlegroup and timezone. So looking at this and the population you posted, Iā€™d say Amanā€™Thul could be connected to Thaurissan, Dreadmaul, Caelestrasz, Dathā€™Remar, Khazā€™goroth and/or Nagrand. Probably not Barthilas or Frostmourne cause theyā€™re full, and canā€™t be Gundrak, Jubeiā€™Thos and Saurfang because theyā€™re on Vengeance (though those three could probably all be connected together).

I just donā€™t understand the claim that they canā€™t be connected with anyone.

Still out of date. There are no such things as PvP servers anymore - that screen shot I took is from in the game.

People keep saying that, but it would be awful for the raiding scene. Imagine only one guild per data center getting realm first for a kill. Imagine having to compete with thousands of guilds. That would really suck.

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I know that. And yes, the PvE/PvP thing is out of date, but everything else is accurate.