New Realm and Free Character Moves for Latin America

Se habilitaran los traslados de personajes en servidores PVE??? veo que hay muchos que tenemos esa inquietud y Blizzard no dide nada…

GM Dohemmius just asked me to post here as we were having a live chat. This functionality is not available to transfer from Ashkandi to the new Latin American server Loatheb.

He says they can’t do the transfer manually and so this is a bug. It appears on every other server but not in Ashkandi, and I want to move my character Balanna from there to Loatheb.

If it is because it’s a server pve, please consider that we went there when we did not know there was gonna be a Latin American server, and we deserve the chance to move just like everyone else. Whether we are willing to play on a pvp server or not is up to us and shouldn’t be restricted by the game.

Please fix this before the time for free trasnfers finishes, or extend it otherwise. Thanks.