New raid exploit



yea, there’s no way farming unlimited Champ track gear before 1st vault was intended.

Certainly not getting 4pc before 1st vault.


Exploits like this would justify a permanent ban, and in my opinion that needs to happen.


Will there be a WoW Edition of Game Genie?

Imagine the cheat codes.

001 unkickable in pugs
002 4X dps
003 cannot be ignored
004 +10000 forum posts
005 maintenance does not apply to you
006 add all mogs



Cheaters are such entitled scum now. They think if they can cheat that they should get to keep their stuff from cheating because its somehow on the devs. Sorry Timmy, that’s not how it works.


I need this for max Trade Chat rage.

there is no way blizzard will do anything. The moto with blizzard games is: exploit early, exploit often. Sorry if you missed your chance to exploit like I did, this is a blizzard game.


Mitigating factor: RWF starts soon. You can’t punish 'em hard when you need 'em to advertise your product. Blizzard will probably coordinate with all their raid leaders to make sure they don’t lose too many people to keep the game on schedule.


Yeah I mean loot is locked so there’s rarely a reason to go back in, I guess you could give up your time to help a friend knowing you had no chance of loot.

But as soon as I noticed warbound gear dropping I’d be out, I would not expect anyone to be banned for one piece but if you do the same raid ten times yeah you’re trying to cheat the system

Hope this maintenance fix that. If many people here have their way, this exploit would stay up 3 months and then finally a server restart to fix.


I admit it has a “tinfoil hat,” type of feel but my theory is the reason blizzard put heroic week back for this raid is because they knew someone would probably find a way to exploit something.

And they wanted to be able to give out band without impacting the race in a big way. So someone said “hey let’s give them heroic week back, and whoever finds the exploit we know we’ll miss will get a ban during the week that doesn’t matter.”


Blizz will prob just roll it back and they’ll get a 4 day slap on the wrist again (May not be the same people, but the same principle).

I’ve little faith of game moderation when it comes to exploiting the system.


Yea I’m really curious to see what they do after they threw down the gloves on these people last week, will Blizzard cave and back down to not interfere with the raid to world first as it’s some of these people who are exploiting heroic runs for gear. I can’t imagine some of these guys who came back from the 4 day ban they got only to use this exploit to catch up and exceed the gearing of non-cheaters will get off scott free.


Those are always the people who comment on wowhead “fun detected fun removed.”


It;s funny watching the rwf players streaming how they have all their bag’s hidden lol


I’d say at least 10 year ban

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Plenty of other legit players and teams to take their places.

Why cater to small group of cheaters?


I would think the three biggest guilds all told their players to stay away from anything that even looks like exploit now.

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even if they did a new faster cadence. . . they should use a slower one. the game is packed full of so many bugs so often it’s obscene. . . still several bugs on various hero talents. very imbalanced hero talents on top of that.

the only thing speeding up releases does is cause more issues and errors. to try and milk more content in a shorter period of time. and try to get people to buy more stuff, like wow gold etc.

hell they even have their vendor for the transmog coins showing on the map. when the AH doesn’t even do that and it’s far more important.

that said, if theirs an exploit people will generally use it. code the game properly and it won’t be there to be used. Do i use them? no. will I? no. but if you can’t even code the game properly and create bugs despite being such a large company able to sift through the more impactful ones.

hell blizz needs the playerbase to test their raids and classes for them. because they can’t seem to do so themselves. Just look at the state of some of the present classes. and buffs in the range of 5-10% in some cases. and even some of those arent’ adequate to bring those specs in line (resto druid, destro lock both come to mind. MW is also too far behind for something with no utility in it’s kit for raid, or the prevalent ones for m+).

do i feel bad that someone is using bugs that they don’t want to commit the resources to sift through and rush content faster than they can go through it themselves? not really. Should someone exploit things? generally no, it serves very little purpose outside WFR or cutting edge m+ teams. but if you think someone competitive wont take every advantage offered to them? your sorely mistaken.

Can any of those draw like Echo and Liquid / Maximum?

It’s likely they were smart enough to avoid an idiot reputation exploit, but extra drops directly for their raid? Dunno. They aren’t trying to cheat the rules for a hundred teams, just the ones televised.