Think that 1% healing increase is worth swapping to lightforged dranei?
I’m kind of feeling void elf for the 5% healing/damage proc. I’m just waiting until the community figures out how frequent the proc rate is.
Personally, I’m struggling with the idea of giving up shadowmeld , I use it so much in M+
That said, 1% is 1%, I typically feel that changes less than 2 or even 3% don’t feel like they make enough of an impact.
Eh I don’t think it’ll make a huge difference, but will look nice on logs at the end of a run haha.
The light’s judgment buff may end up being really strong, but won’t know till it’s live.
I think void elves are the clear winners here.
I don’t think it makes it worth it in itself but I’ve been looking for any excuse to switch my paladin back to lfd and now that she’s holy, I’m going to run with it.
Edit: my nightborne priest is still on the shelf, if I dust it off next season, it will probably go mechagnome, I feel like that level of style and finesse is worth way more than 1%.