New races for Demon hunters

Ok, I know others have posted about this topic. And this will likely be a tangential vent that amounts not nothing more then me throwing my thoughts into the either. But I think with the recent decisions to add “Tauren rogues” in the future, really REALLY give more ammo for this.

“Demon Hunter Orc’s, and Demon Hunter Draenei”

They are the two races other then the elves that have perhaps the closest reasoning to become Demon Hunters. Not only that but we have seen in wow orcs and Draenei going full fel. And I think it would be cool Lore-wise for some Orcs and Draenei to unleash that underlying hatred for demons and other similar things that have been against their own cultures. For the orcs it would not be that different then the elves, our home and people forever tainted by fel, why not obliterate what’s left of the legion across the cosmoses? For the Draenei, it could be a sort of story where the naruu failed them, and also cough cough evil light-forged pallys in alt Dreanor.
Now you could add Nightborn into that too, but I think in there case it would be a much more grand rarity being their races population is considerably smaller.

Perhaps with Illidan gone, the Illidary start to train those who truly understand sacrifice, and welcome in new races, as with Azeroth mostly safe to continue to bolster the defenses of our world. Much like what the Ebonblade and Bolvar has done.

Also unrelated but adjacent, with the announced race/class unlocks, I do hope we get undead pallys, it makes no sense to me to have the Darkranger skins on a paladin (which is tecneically an undead paladin), and not let the undead race use that class. Furthermore that then leads to, void-elf paladins, and the long overdue nightelf paladins.

Anyways, those are my thoughts. Useless as they may be, they are now free to run! :grin:


I’m not a fan of allowing more races to be demon hunters.

It does not make sense to me lore-wise. Demon hunters take part in a very specific ritual with Illidan that recreated his path and sacrifices, including experiencing the cursed vision of Sargeras and ripping your own eyes out. The entire design of the class is based around 1 wc3 hero: Illidan. Adding other races seems off-track to me from the design.

It does not make sense to me from the perspective of game development either.
Demon hunters have extra customization options (textures, bones, model changes) from their base races, as well as additional animations, and entirely different voice actors and voice lines.

I would rather time be spent on expanding these options for the existing DH races to match what is being made for dracthyr, rather than trying to implement them on other races and increasing the amount of maintenance the dev team has to do to keep things working.


Tauren demon hunters when

Nightborne, Vulpera, Human, Gnome, Troll, Void Elf & Pandaren should all be playable Demon Hunters


ZZZZZ who cares about lore lol


Agreed. Blizzard clearly doesn’t.

Lore can always be retconned or made up.

“Since aquainting themselves with the factions from the Legion conflict, the Illidari have been taking in recruits over the past couple of years, those that have survived the arduous trials have almost completed their training to become full fledged Demon Hunters.”


All other races can use a revamped Mardum to complete their training.


Lore wise it don’t work with Orks when they drink the demon blood they go feral lose control wild and turn green

They don’t become half demon with wings horns and contain it

And concidering what the Orks did when they drank the blood no illidari or illiden would be willing to risk letting them drink again

Orcs* Won’t* Considering* Illidan*

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Worgen DH. Gimme

“The illidari have taught orcs of the horde how to control and harness the power in the same way they have”


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No, thank you. Elves only, please. -S

No, thank you. Other races, please.


Only elf eyes are pretty enough to shoot lasers. :rofl: -S