New Race/Class Combo Suggestions!

Nightborne Paladin now that blood elf and nightborne are teaching each other stuffs.

How about Zandalari and Kul Tiran warlocks?


Yeah I’m still salty we never got them

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forgot if i posted here.

but undead pallys.

especially now that undead can be kinda sexy now. :wink:

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:skull: :heart: :elf: :eyes:
:skull: :heart: :elf: :nauseated_face:
:skull: :heart: :elf: :face_vomiting:

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I thought worgen where humans that become druids. Makes no sense to have a third human type being druids. Now draenei or orc druids would be very interesting. The light forged would be wild.

I swear there was nightborne druids. Not sure where i seen them. I did see them. Something about breaking addiction and finding inner peace. Something like that. It was a very long and weird quest chain. That i can remember. I completed by about i hit 110. Doing last part in Summer.

I’m all for this great post OP! :joy::+1::heart:

If DK’s can be any race and their AR counterparts so can other race class combos it makes sense!

Please Blizzard! Consider and implement what OP stated! :clinking_glasses::heart:

It would make sense with the close bond between the Kultirans and Stormwind humans that they would learn druidism. Especially if the Night Elves are starting to keep to themselves after the treaty with the horde.

Blood elf druids
Human druids

Let’s go! :tiger2::eagle::deciduous_tree::leaves:


Not really a fan of the druid suggestions here other than Pandaren. None of those races really hold much respect for nature, at least to the level the races that actually can be druids do. :confused:

As far as what I’ve wanted…
Draenei/Orc demon hunters. They could just retroactively add them to the normal DH starting zone under the pretense that they’re fel orcs and eredar who were part of the Illidari.
Pandaren druids and paladins. Paladins less of a realistic ones and more of a “favorite race as favorite class” type deal, but both could do with the Celestials, as priests do.
Nightborne paladin, but only because they’ll never make a battle mage class.
Night Elf paladin, but only if they bridge it off of the Night Warrior plot line and not the terrible “hur bdurr i joined the paladins because they looked neat” thing from Legion.
Lightforged Monk, agreeing with the OP here.
Highmountain Warlock. A few reasons here. 1: It would offer a new race/class combo which IMO should have been a major part of allied races in general. Tauren cousins being something Tauren can’t be. 2: The Bloodtotem rejoined with Highmountain after Legion, and it can be assumed that there were some warlocks among those ranks. Basically, the same logic as Nightborne Warlocks. 3: Fel. Antlers.

Other than what I’ve listed, most of the other class/race combos I’ve entertained have been on a “it would be neat” level, like Kul Tiran or Worgen paladins.

…I just really like paladins.

I don’t think that’s quite true of the Kultirans or Gilneans having a large respect for nature. I think the Gilneans were dealt a hand with the ability to shapeshift and capitalized on it with a unique relationship with the Night Elves. The Kultirans had a tribe of barbarians join them who were tired of war and taught a select few of them their ways in druidism. Neither culture was steeped with reverence for nature at all.

Blood elves have a long history of druidism in the early age of Silvermoon and pre-exodus from Kalimdor.

I think any race short of goblins, undead, lightbound draenei, and gnomes should be able to become druids.


Your 100% right, I even suggested just making a server with no race/restrictions so let people who want to play whatever do so, but I bet you it be full instantly!

They still have some connection to the Dream in their druidism, and if you speak to the NPCs relating to the druid class for either race they generally hold some reveration for Nature. I’d say Trolls are actually the odd one out if anything, but they get their powers from big animal gods anyway so.

I’m also on the boat that doesn’t want blood elves getting druids because they’re already so oversaturated classwise, anyway. They can be nearly everything, which as the race that takes up the majority of the Horde… It ain’t good, chief. Plus, a handful of quests from the start of BC don’t really mean that much when they haven’t displayed anything similar in the 10+ years since.

I would like to see:
Nelf Paladin (Moonwalkers)
Gnome Shaman
Dwarf Druid
Tauren Mage / Rogue
Worgen Monk
Goblin Monk


Race imbalance isn’t a good argument to keep a race and class seperate. Night elves were insanely popular in vanilla, they could be everything except paladins and mages. Then they got mages even though it was SUPER against their lore.

You want night elf paladins based on 2 cases of them happening ever. There have been far more cases of druidism for blood elves than night elf paladins. But I would be fine with night elves becoming paladins, even worgen as well.

Any druidic NPC you talk to is going to have a reverence toward nature and the dream. After the creation of the Ar’candor tree in Shal’aran and the close relationship between the blood elves and nightborne I don’t see why both wouldn’t start rediscovering their roots of druidism.


“Paladin” is a generic term in wow for “holy warrior.” That’s why we have at least 3 very separate types of paladins. The powers look/are named the same because Blizzard is lazy. The Silver Hand, the Freethinkers and Prelates, and the Sunwalkers have nothing in common with one another.

It’s like “priest.” Some are followers of the Light. Some are witch doctors. Some follow their ancestral spirits. They all fall under the generic class name of “priest,” but they’re very different depending on the culture.

Especially with the Army of the Black Moon, there’s zero reason Kaldorei shouldn’t be able to pick up a sword and strap on some heavy armor (hey, like they already can as warriors) and then give themselves over to Elune’s service.


I honestly have no problem with night elves becoming paladins. I was just comparing it for the argument against blood elf druids.

Yeah, I want belf druids really badly.

of course, that would be one more for my collection :smiley:

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I’ve been waiting since Burning Crusade heh. They should pull the trigger with Shadowlands since we aren’t getting a new class. Adding some new race/class combos makes perfect sense.

Best way to deal with class imbalance, remove class/race restrictions. :smiley: