Wouldnt be the weirdest thing.
I mean we got Centaur. And Half Dreanei-Half orc. Or Half Orc -Half Orgre.
Wouldnt be the weirdest thing.
I mean we got Centaur. And Half Dreanei-Half orc. Or Half Orc -Half Orgre.
And by we, you actually mean the Orcs of Draenor. Typical primadonna behavior, trying to attach yourself to an event in history you had zero involvement with.
Note - ignore me, apparently I can’t read tonight
Also there was a thread asking for the human model for forsaken death knights
Yea, it’s very common, yet Horde players act like it’s only Alliance who ask for Horde races lol.
I even see Horde asking for Undead Night Elves (which isn’t too bad, as they already have nightborne), but then there’s been requests for Leper Gnomes, Mechagnomes (as they were neutral), etc.
It’s bad enough we don’t even have any orc traitors to the alliance during BFA other then saurfang to be honest but even then he was held in a prison
Right, which is why I said “they” and not “we”.
You are correct, I misread what you posted
You are under the assumption the Light would actually back the alliance though. The current lightforged we do have just followed Turalyon. The total light simps led by Yrel are basically just like the legion.
You don’t speak for all of the Alliance. We should have gotten Man’ari Draenei as a allied race.
Also Yrel is a bit of a lightforged dingaling anyway.
That means Orc Paladins, right?
All the other dreanei disagree with you. Sinse well Man,ari destroyed their planet leading them toflee to be killed by orc and also flee on Azeroth
I remember those threads. Other than the undead night elf requests, people were so fruitlessly desperate for mechagnomes to not be an Alliance allied race that they wanted them to join the Horde just because Gazlowe was nice to them. At the same time, other Alliance posters were demanding Alliance vulpera against all the signs that that race would join the Horde.
I mean, considering Turalyon, the Light’s Golden Child, is currently leading the Alliance, it’s a good assumption.
But I still wouldnt want it lol.
We don’t need Orcs. they can stay red
Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Monk, Mage, Priest?
Humans are playable in the Horde via Forsaken.
We demand a new race for the
10 chars
Lightbound Orcs
you do realize your demands fall on deaf ears, Blizzard will implement whatever race they choose whenever they feel the time is right.
I want Lightbound Void Elves that explode and die instantly upon entering the game.
I like this plan! I’m proud to be a part of this plan!
The Broken Draenei, not getting any love or attention from the Alliance, should join the Horde. where in the current regime, they would be accepted and paid attention to, instead of kicked to the side.
Their mopiness will compliment that of the Blood Elves nicely.