New race options for older classes

Currently hoping for Worgen paladins.

Also, Evokers should be able to choose any race of their given faction as their visage form.

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I just want a melee/tank dragon. I don’t think I’m asking too much for a dragon that isn’t a mage archetype.


Undead Paladin sounds cool.

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They certainly have not earned their hesitant behavior after the past two expansions. So many missteps have been done that they should and will continue to bend their knee for the player base. Too much was simply ruined after Legion.

Got a feeling it will be Paladins next, all they have to do is add some light themed armor to already existing racial mounts.

Druids. The lack of race options for druids is so hindering.

Blood Elf Druid will make Nelfs mad, but it’s supported in lore - both in the history of Quel’thalas (the Rune Stones were a Druidic creation) all the way to Kael’thas in Outland (Botanica wing of Tempest Keep).

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