New race idea: Wind Elves (Win'dorei)

Wind Elves, masters of the winds. Aka the Win’dorei

Abilities: Fly like the wind, tornado carries you 30 yards (can change direction mid flight)

Windburn: 5% wind damage to enemy.

Windy season: A gust of wind carries an enemy away 20 yards.

Pay to wind: Able to purchase an extra seal of fate each week.


Tin’dorei, masters of tinder and dating.


Sun’dorei, masters of sunday troll posting.
Racial: Metamorphosis into a low lvl troll alt


Win’doerei … well that idea blows


Trol’dorei. Elves with tusks, 3 fingers, and two toes.


Sad’dorei - composed of Pro/Anti High Elf crowd


Nin’dorei (Metal elves)

Head like a hole: Extra bag space

Black as your soul: On use Blind, 5 min cd

I’d rather die: 15% resistance to MInd Control and Fear

Like an animal: 10% exp from pet battles


Wind Gust: Allow flying with Pathfinder: Part One!

Leuq’dorei - Low Elves.


Care to supply a picture for us as an example of what this race would look like?

Cmon . . . .This is starting to make me cry . … literally.

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This is how you anger literally every shaman on the planet.

Real talk, have the Harpies ever done ANYTHING relevant?

Would be extremely aggravating in Capture the Flag BG’s.

Man, I am more for a Sad’dorei, when I see this thread and realize it is April 1.

All I can picture in my head is a room full of pointy eared Charlie Sheen’s shouting WINNING


You lost me at “elves.” We have enough, for all time. There should never be another Elf player race in the game, ever.

We have 4. So that means that before we have another elf race, we should get

3 more gnome.

2 more Tauren.

2 more Draenei

2 more Human (thinking of Kul’tiran as basically “human.”)

3 more undead.

2 more troll.

3 more panda (unless you count each faction side as one, then just two more panda, but really it is the same panda.)

2 More orc.

2 more dwarves.

Any other ones I forgot.

Ask about new elves again, after those things happen.


Fin’dorei the drunken cousins of the Sin’dorei. Can only be hunters and rouges and can only use guns and knives respectively and hunters can only tame bears.

Never see it coming - hunters ability range increased from 40 yards to 500 yards.

Perkele! - the Fin’dorei yells Perkele! At the top of their lungs and everyone in a 10 yard radius is stuned for 3 seconds in confusion.

Gift of tongues - literaly the only word the Fin’dorei can say is perkele but somehow everyone can still understand them, even the opposite faction. Inversely the Fin’dorei can understand any racial language, even merloc.

I thought this was gonna be another Sunday + April fool’s post but I can see you are being serious. I was expecting to see Wind Elves = elves that fart a lot, but glad I was wrong.