New race idea for WoW

I have a friend that loves bird people and it was underwhelming for them that there was none in this game. It would be nice if there was a cool new bird race to add in the game, something like the pandarians where you can have it on both factions (although horde would be preferable), it being compatible with mages wouldn’t be a horrible idea either. WoW was a great experience for me and I’m usre more would love it too if more races were added to cover more variety

Arakkoa :stuck_out_tongue: You’re welcome


The alliance needs a “big” race. How about the Rhinoc, a bipedal, Rhino-based race.

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They tried that with KTs and they’re not well liked


What’s a KT, if you don’t mind me asking?

Kul Tirans

Arrakoa would make a nice addition to the game. That said I’m not against something new either, since Arrakoa don’t have a sexual dimorphism developed.

Oh! Well, they’re just big humans. I meant something animalistic.

They need to add the dragon aspects into the game as a playable race for both factions.

Well out of nowhere they created turtle people, and for some reason the crabs hate them.



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Mok’nathal is the only answer

If Arakkoa interests you as a playable bird race, both the cursed and uncursed variety, you might be interested in seeing all the ideas, support, and discussions about them going on in the Arakkoa megathread here:

I’m sure arguments can be made for them joining either faction as well. I know they have been requested for quite awhile, and I’d be curious to see what all is done with them if they were promoted to becoming a playable race. :bird: :parrot:

I would love to see the WoW equivalent of Kenku. Yes we have arakkoa but dangit I want cute raven folk

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Shocking, they gave the Horde Vulpera (which could have gone a HUGE way to helping the population imbalance…but the Horde apparently needed them and they fit in so well in the Horde) while giving the Alliance tall fat humans, who knew no one wanted to play fat people on top of being HUMAN which is already in the game many times over.

Alliance races:
Worgen (changed humans but can still run around in human unless in combat)
High Elves/Void Elves (thinner humans with pointy ears that are cooler)
Dwarves (short humans)
Gnomes (the shortest humans)
Mechagnomes (the shortest humans with mechanical upgrades)
Kul Tirans (taller fat humans)

Almost the entire Alliance is a reflection of humans. Who knew almost no one wanted to play what should be an option for Humans to begin with in KT, instead it’s a new “race”. Don’t get me wrong, i think Worgen and Mechagnomes are nice and bring something to the game but i’m not really sure how much Blizzard “stretched” their creativity with things like Kul Tirans…hell we didn’t even get the skinny versions they first showed and only got tall fat folks. Kul Tirans are rotund and fit only a tiny niche.

Draenei are kind of the resident “big monster race” for the Alliance, no? It’s just that most draenei seem to be females which are not as big/mostery.

It’s possible that Alliance just don’t want to play monsters.

Worgen could be a big monster race if they stood up straight and the females were a bit more bulky

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They’re a little too big to be honest. I’d prefer male Draenei were more like this:


The only new race I would definitely play is Ogre!


Did you play the “Wizardry” series of single-player RPG’s back in the day, by any chance? There was a NPC race of bipedal rhinos that were gung-ho military types, uniforms, ranks, and all. Perfect for the Alliance.

Wrong conclusion. The KTs are disliked because of where they are big, not because they are big.

If they’d added a rhino race like Chibiusa suggested, people would be all over it