New Race/Class combos for Shadowlands (Suggestions Thread)

Tauren and draenei rogues because they are already in the game. There are both Grimtotem tauren npcs and rangari assassin garrison followers with rogue abilities. Just unlock the class for them.

Worgen/ Goblin/ lightforged monks: Considering everybody else who can be a monk, there is no legitimate reason why monks are still locked to anyone. They retconned the starting zones for both draenei and blood elves to fit pandaren so they can do the same for worgen and there was a pandaren npc that admitted to once going to Kezan and nothing about monks would require a lightforged to give up their religious faith because if brother korloff and those other scarlet monks can practice pandaren arts and still keep their faith then so can lightforged.

Highmountain warlocks: if lightforged get monks, then highmountain need an extra class to balance it out and they already have lore with warlocks to work with. They can have Mayla give the bloodtotem a chance to make up for the things they’ve done by helping to fight N’zoth and they have the Nightbourne to help them refine the craft.


Honestly I didn’t notice this before. Though would the Rangari be considered a hunter? I can’t remember if there was even a distinction. Good catch though!

To be fair though, if a Tauren/Draenei hunter can learn “Camoflauge”, Rouge isn’t totally left field.


As far as I could tell from quests, they were described mainly as scouts but are also considered the draenei’s main intelligence gatherers and some of their quests involved espionage so I don’t think it would be a stretch for Rangari to cover both hunters and rogues.

And honestly, I don’t see how anyone can be a competent hunter or rogue without the ability to conceal one’s presence. So if they can do one of those, then they should be able to do the other.


I would have probably made a fat pally, would have been epic.

Sea priest! They worship sea elements, as we see in their buildings!

The blizzard just came back with kultiran mages, because it was ridiculous that they were ruled by a mage, when none of them showed they could conjure a cake!

People also asked for zanadalar warlock! Nothing has been changed!

Races can’t be everything!
People kept asking for druid humans!
They received druid humans but something had to be lost!
Blizz chose paladin because a people who have shaman and druid need to have something less like selectable classes!

So goodbye paladin!
I wish worgen could be monk and paladin, but look!
It is precisely the classes that worgen cannot be!
And they cannot learn to be!

Well that’s their lore now! If you have to change that by saying that they can now be paladins because they learned from Stormwind, then gnomes should also learn to be paladins!

So first, we have to solve with lore!
Or we kill the poor thing to make exceptions for the kultirans!

And then we make exceptions for everyone!
And in that case, I’ll want a tail for my worgen, please!

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Yet they can be priests, therefore there is a source.

My list mostly comprises things already said, with two exceptions:

Goblin Monk
Worgen Monk
Lightforged Draenei Monk
Kul Tiran Paladin
Night Elf Paladin
Human Shaman
Highmountain Tauren Warlock
Highmountain Tauren Paladin
Draenei Rogue
Tauren Rogue

I think Humans (Stormwind Humans for those confused) should be able to be Shamans. I know a Shaman in real life, and he is most definitely human. If they exist in real life, they can easily exist in-game too.

I also feel the Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren need some serious love. They do not have enough available classes.


With the new starting area there is no reason there should be any restrictions anymore. Open up all race and class combos.


My guess is that the official reason why Worgen can’t be Monks is because the rage of the Worgen curse prevents them from being able to become Monks.

At the very least, that’s the vibe I get from the Worgen heritage questline in 8.3.

I do think Worgen should get Monks, but I think Blizzard is adamantly against Worgen Monks and will never let them be Monks.

I do think Worgen and Goblins need new classes added to them, though. When 8.3 comes around, they will basically be the only two races to have never had new classes opened up for them.


Will no one ask for Void elf paladin?

The reason the devs gave back when Mists was announced was that their starting zones were stuck in cata. Funny enough, they’ve had animations for both since then in the beta.

But the presence of a Goblin monk in the order hall raises the question of whether that restriction will be rectified.

The “Worgen too angry” bit never really worked in my opinion. Being any caster class requires an immense amount of concentration that you’d think would be lost in such a raging beast. That would basically rule out Mages, Priests, and possibly warlocks.

In my opinion, ruling out Worgen for Monks because of their inherent rage doesn’t really make sense considering Orcs have inherent rage as well.

I do have a feeling that they might use the rage thing as an excuse as to why Worgen won’t get Monks, and explain how Worgen rage is different from say Orc rage.

I think they should just give everyone Monks at this point, as there’s no real reason why any of the current races can’t become one. They’ve already established that a Pandaren Monk named Grandmaster Rochu visited Kezan.


Agreed. It feels like a universal class. Gnomes were the only non-hunters until Legion. So hopefully they will get the same treatment.


Tauren Rogues would be fun.


Edit: I initially interpreted this topic to mean new races OR new classes and not just new combinations of existing races and classes.

This would be the perfect time to have an official necromancer class, be it hero or otherwise.

I understand that the death knight class was a initially combination of three potential classes (the necromancer side becoming the unholy specialization) but there can be enough differentiation to make it work. Besides, being a necromancer is a perfect compliment to the meat wagon mount :slight_smile:

Also, I asked one of the developers at BlizzCon 2015 if necromancers would ever make it to WoW; the response being something like “If we returned to Northrend, then that’s when it might make sense to consider introducing a necromancer class.”

This thread also entertains the idea of a Necromancer class.

Yes, for the love of RNGesus, give Eredar customization for Draenei.


They just aren’t light enough :frowning:


10 characters.

I would really like new comboes.

Nightborne - shaman after some time in battle nightborne studied there allies magic to help and forned there own version. Of a spellblade.

Druid- having capable botanist students in there ranks they decide to see what they can learn from there new troll and tauren allies.

Highmountain-paladin and priests seeing the thunderbluff tauren worship an’she more they teach other of there past History
-warlock and mage the bloodtotem discover there willing to learn to try new magics just like there kin the feltotem.

Zandalari - warlocks. As new civilians join the horde they incorporate there voodoo knowledge and seek out powerful me tors in orgrimmar to boister there knowledge

Undead- shamans as new kultirabs are being raised tidesages awaken from the slumber undeath willing to prosper in this new horde. Confused and alone lillian comvinces them to stay with the forsaken.

Druid- same thing but with thornspeakers

Many more. I wish they just allowed us to pick what we wanted.


My vote is for Tauren rogues.

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That’s a combo I’ve never even given a thought about until this point. It honestly has potential on many levels. Imagine an undead being so intimately “one with the earth” as a former buried corpse, it could be a fun idea to play with.