New Race / Class Combinations That Make Sense!

jsut give all races druid, worgens monk and all races DH

Thoughts on why Nightbourne Warlocks make more sense than Highmountain?

Is this a serious question? The entire city is overrun with demons.

Draenei Warlocks.

We took ther jerbs.

I really hate the argument that because a single NPC exists, it should be a playable option. That is how we got Void Elves that nobody asked for.

The Night Elf “paladin” isn’t a true Paladin. If anything she went from being a Priestess of Elune to being a Warrior Priestess of Elune, because she felt the priest order wasn’t being aggressive enough in fighting the Legion. The Paladin order hall is filled with one-offs who are interesting, but they need to stay one-offs.

Some boundaries and limitations give RPGs diversity and flavor. If all races can be all classes, it feels like a KMMO where race choice is little more than a cosmetic option. Night Elves don’t worship the Light, Blood Elves disapprove of Nature magic, and the Tauren stay away from Fel. Also races who never encountered the Scourge shouldn’t have Death Knights. Neither should Worgen, who are supposed to be immune to undeath.

I like these things. They give the races character.

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Yet here we are… So time to evolve with the game and the lore. High Elves had druids in WC2, so why don’t we have them now? Retconning the story to suit narrative happens over and over.

Warcraft 2 is really a horrible reference when asking for something, as it was so early in the series that a lot of the lore was not fleshed out, or has since been retconned for the sake of being cohesive.

In modern WoW, the sin’dorei are a very specific representation of elf. High society, arcane, dark past, questionable ethics, lack of attachment to nature in its natural form. Very fleshed out.

Back in the WC2 era, things were a lot simpler and the High Elves were just “generic Elf race” we did archers, we did tree loving, we did magic, not a lot of rules to follow. As the Warcraft story got more focused, more elves were introduced and WC3 really set the standard for what the races are about and what they stand for.

I think the elf lore is in a pretty good spot right now, except for the hanging Night Elf stories. But I really don’t want to see things like Tauren Warlocks and Undead Paladins. If something goes against the core idea of a race, let’s respect that.


I think it’s rather crap to have Night Elves so hellbent on no arcane magic they exiled their kin. Then in a recent xpac got mages added into their ranks with little to no recourse or explanation. I honestly feel blood elves are owed druids based on WC2 if we are really just going to do blatant no explanation U-turns.

I want worgen paladins. Desperately.

I’d love worgen monks, but at this point I’d honestly take paladins above monks - but we should get both.

Goblins deserve monks, too, and blood elves should get druids. Kul’Tirans should also get paladins.

It followed a world wide calamity.

That followed the cataclysm, 10,000 years later. It didn’t happen overnight. If the Night Elves of today can understand that allying with demon hunters is a necessity, they certainly can live to stand beside mages.

What am I looking at, fam?

Edit: Oh, I see you’re also asking for evidence.

" [High elves] have also practiced druidism; they had [elven rangers] who practiced it. *[Warcraft II manual mentioned [elven druids] It is assumed that the [blood elven] rangers have also been trained in the art of the druid."


There was an explanation. The Shen’dralar was not part of the War of Ancients, directly. They just defended their city… poorly. The only thing they did for Azshara was brew potions and store books. They were not part of the group that was exiled because they weren’t there.

Most of the Shen’dralar was killed by ogres, elementals, demons and other invaders of the city. Then the Horde wiped a bunch of them out too. The ones that fled into the woods for survival and break their addiction of Immol’thar are the ones that Tyrande begrudgingly allowed into Darnassas to train new Mages.

I think this reasoning can be applied to repairing the tainted scar and moving away from the dependence on arcane magics. As well as repairing much of the area of Quel’danas & Quel’thalas.

Draenei rogue. I’ll keep saying it till I cant say it anymore!

This is a picture of a night elf Druid. It says in the caption. What point are you making?

Huh Wowpedia says:

High elves have also practiced druidism; they had elven rangers who practiced it.

This is saying Rangers practiced druidism. That’s a carry over from EverQuest.

The now-retconned Warcraft II manual mentioned elven druids. It is assumed that the blood elven rangers have also been trained in the art of the druid.

You left out the part that said WC2 manual was ret-conned. That’s kind of important. Also, the manual just said “elven druid”, which I think I mentioned before… which is why it says “assumed.”

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I agree on this part. No arcane magic was kind of a big cultural turning point for the Night Elves. There was a little bit of lore basically saying that because of the Cataclysm, times were absolutely dire and the Night Elves needed all the help they could get, so somebody suggested asking the Exiled Highborne to return.

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Night elf Shaman
Night elf paladin
Void elf paladin
Void elf Shaman
Void elf Druid
Gnome paladin
Undead Necromancer

More just linking to the page, not meant to be the image.

Also needing all the help they can get? So completely aboutfacing from a no arcane under penalty of death to “ah screw it we need help.” Pretty stark turn for a law with penalty of DEATH. That’s somehow more believable than druidism rekindling within Sin’dorei society. This wasn’t just a “oh you didn’t really help Azshara” it’s still allowing the practice of arcane magic and training their people to do something they had sworn against vehemently.

And we raided that city. Killed them. Those were the bad guy Nightbourne.

So why did the playable ones inherit their bad habits?