New PvP class tuning incoming



  • Marksmanship
  • Developers’ notes: Marksmanship Hunters have been underperforming in different forms of PvP content.
    • Aimed Shot damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 15%).
    • Rapid Fire damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 15%).
    • Arcane Shot damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 16%).

Absolutely and totally clueless. Prepare yourself for 6+ hunters every BG.


Completely. They weren’t even underpowered.

Boomies getting a reduction to astral power generation, but getting a buff to their non-dots.

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I am very surprised to see MM buffed.
I already have hunter evoker and destro for my three toons. Time to make my hunter some spark gear I guess

Last season of SL, 15-20 in epic BGs wasn’t that uncommon.

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these r interesting

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I’m just talking about ten man maps. :wink:

No, this is needed. MM is weak.

LOL…they don’t balance classes around random battlegrounds.

Besides, there’s always been a lot of hunters in battlegrounds.


No, this is needed. MM is weak.

I love playing my MM, but I don’t necessarily think damage was the issue. They need more survivability imo. But that would require actual effort on the dev team’s part, so they’re just pushing out numbers. Such a lazy approach.


This is the real issue with MM. Idk why Blizz thought, “Hunters keep dying? Let’s increase their damage from 70k dps to 75k dps. Maybe that’ll help?”


I understand MM isn’t showing up in Arena, but the damage profile has got to be reworked to be less oppressive to cloth and people w/o LOS cover.

Most BG objectives cannot be accomplished while pillaring (unlike Arena). You can’t cap a flag or SSM cart and pillar.

MM damage needs to be shifted into their bleeds/magic damage like Serpent Sting. This will help them in Arena. It’ll help them with Plate.

It won’t give them constant 40+ yard “sustained damage” that feels like other specs’ burst. (Especially if you have light armor.)

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Armor type hasn’t mattered in a very long time.

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Eh Aimed Shot/Rapid Fire still stunted into plate. Rips cloth/leather apart.

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My friend, no. This isn’t Classic.

i wish this was true and they opened up tmogs for that it doesnt matter imo

Instead they balance classes around an inherently broken game mode that needs a stacking healing debuff to ensure matches actually end. Makes sense. The last thing MM needed was more damage. It needs competitive defensives to every other meta arena spec, if they actually wanna balance around arena. Instead they removed two defensive pvp talents in 10.1. Survival of the fittest is an absolutely terrible defensive regardless which trait enhancement you take, because the cooldown for either variant is double that of every other similar defensive on every other class. Turtle has a similar cooldown to paladin bubble yet you can still die through it, and it can’t be used while stunned. Meanwhile dispersion on shadow priest is half the cooldown, can be used while CC’d, and provides healing for the duration. So yes, the devs are clueless.

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It makes a big difference, actually. This may not be classic but the interaction between physical damage and armour never changed.

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well I only use mine as a “kill switch” when my non-meta toons have issues.

But it’s nice to know my ONE shot hunter will now be a 3/4 shot hunter =P


There is a difference, but the difference is not enough to prevent plate from getting killed in three GCDs by a hunter popping off on them in a random BG.

As far as hunter needing more damage… L. O. L.

Hunter’s problems in arena won’t be solved by having more damage and it will make hunters even a bigger joke in random BGs.

800K health warlock go splat.
(friend on hunter, not me)