New PTR changes more Double Dipping removal!

Fixed an issue that allowed players to double dip the last stack of Nether Precision with a spell-queued Arcane Barrage.


New Talent: Aethervision – Consuming Nether Precision with Arcane Blast increases the damage of your next Arcane Barrage by 10% and causes it to generate 2 Arcane Charges. Stacks up to 2 times

Basically a variation on what I suggested in this thread. Exactly as I predicted they doubled down on the removal of double dipping via the spell queueing system but replaced it with a way for ABarr to refund it’s charges. Not saying I can foresee the future but maybe I should dust off my crystal ball, lol!

Needless to say, I am thrilled with this change!


Not related to Arcane but in the topic of the PTR changes, I kinda expected more Fire changes… Paladins got basically another rework, meanwhile Fire got a few bug fixes and a single talent change for Flamestrike. It’s still going to be worthless in ST.

Kinda disappointed.


I haven’t had a chance to go over all the changes yet, the Paladin and Shaman entries alone are the size of Tolstoy’s War and Peace! :sweat_smile: :joy:

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They really don’t like double dipping, I don’t know why. The new talent is a good compromise though.

On another topic, the changes of spellslinger for frost are really good.
No need to track splinterstorm and possible no more icelance spam during Icy Veins.

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Well I think it’s just really unintuitive, especially for new players or casual players, neither of which really know enough about the inner workings of the game. We take these things for granted because we’ve played the game for so long and have access to a tremendous amount of online resources, however, I would be willing to bet that the majority of players just don’t take advantage of any of that and Blizzard have no choice but to at least try and balance the game with everyone’s playstyle in mind.

It really is, it basically preserves the “double dipping spell queueing” playstyle but now makes it “official” and not just a creative use of a system that was never intended for that purpose. It’s semantics at the end of the day but I get where they’re coming from.


where is this change?

Well we can all get off life support guys, Fire is saved. Scorch to the rescue

And Splinterstorm as a chance to proc CC. I am very happy with these changes. I’d be happier if it just proced CC altogether and wasn’t just a chance but hey… Baby steps!

I’m a little concerned with Ley Drinker. It says that touch of magi will automatically apply Ley Drinker, so what the heck happens to Magi’s Spark?

Is it nerfed? Removed? Since it copies your first arcane blast for 100%, and now, 60% for only blast? No missiles or barrage?

It’s indeed a good talent.

You have to wait until we see where the talents finally land, but arcane is already talent point starved, so paying one more talent point to receive compensation for ABarr double dip removal is questionable unless they free up some points.

Those Clearcast and Brain Freeze procs on splinterstorm need to be 100%, and even with these changes Spellslinger will probably lag behind Sunfury still if they don’t nerf Sunfury’s single target.

One of the simpler nerfs to Sunfury would be removing Rondurmancy and balancing it around 3 orbs.

And what about fire mages, lol, thats insane, the forgotten spec

Interesting, I feel like this will be great for Dungeons and AOE. I believe our tier set is based on ABarr, so that will be nice.
Its also worth mentioning that this is only next patch. I didn’t realize that at first, so it will give them time when making the new sets.

I hope that new talent is in a place that makes sense, also it looks like orb play was increased.

What’s up with “New Talent: Signature Spell – Choice node with Shifting Shards.” does that replace the shifting power one?

It kind sounds like they are going for a Magi playstyle and then another non-magi option moving into Leydrinker by the way the talents are worded. I would guess New Talent: Aethervision is near Nether Precision on its way down to Leydrinker .

Basically a single target build with splash or an AOE spam? Not so different from what we had in the past.

The new talent is where Consortium Bauble is now, Consortium Bauble is moving to where Static Cloud is now, Static Cloud is moving to where Resonant Orbs is now and Resonant Orbs is being added to Charged Orb and removed.
This will change things up, something will have to be dropped for the new talent.

Definitely some ups and downs so far.

Any initial Thoughts?

Spellslinger Arcane

For Mythic+ something will have to be dropped to take the new talent.
Probably Energized Familiar or Dematerialize.

Ideally, it should have just been baked into NP rather than being a separate talent but there are some very obvious candidates that can be dropped in favor of it. For example Energized Familiar or even High Voltage which is incredibly inconsistent to begin with and now pretty much defunct with Aethervision given that before the most use you got out of it was precisely when you dropped your charges with a spell queued, double dipping ABarr.

But for me personally it’s even easier because I don’t take Arcane Familiar at all. Not only is it ugly but it’s also bugged and does very little damage anyway. Maybe if they change its appearance to be an actual arcane elemental or give us a glyph, I might reconsider.

I love the change. But it’s a dps loss to spellslinger because we were producing splinters with the double dip. We are losing 4-6 splinters now not being able to queue barrage. I hope they address that somehow. It is a dps loss and can delay splinter storms between CDs.

That was never an intended interaction though. But I do agree that Spellslinger is lagging too far behind Sunfury and just generally needs a boost. There should be better ways to do it than the extra 2 splinters from the double dipping ABarr. For example generating 3 or even 4 splinters per NP consumption to not only compensate for the loss but give a bump as well.

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Like I said I like the change. I’m glad they made it more intuitive for ppl picking up the class. Adding a few more splinter generation would help and giving them a slight dps boost. I’m sure after our first raid there will be plenty of tuning