New PTR buffs

Seems like some generous numbers but also like they’re just putting it back where it was. I dunno, smarter people in the room please interpret.

Thank you

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They’re making up for the loss of AMN, poorly. I wouldn’t be shocked if dps was lower than current, but at least immolation aura got buffed for the billionth time.


This is old news broski, and it’s not generous imo… it’s just compensation for the removal of AMN :face_holding_back_tears:

So mini Uber punishing micro bursts is still a requirement for season 2. I would have did a little dance if I saw them back in essence break to immo aura. And I don’t dance.

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Season 2 still weeks out. Now that bugs are fixed and numbers slightly , tuning will start coming through

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Except they didn’t compensate, not even close to.

Fel Scarred is dead as of the current situation come S2, we play Aldrachi everywhere.

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I mean, I don’t disagree.

sadly this crap has been a staple of havoc since SL, and it also coincides with why havoc has been steadily declining in fun and popularity.

and with the few mods in the fel hammer controlling the narrative in feedback, i doubt it will change quickly.

Damn, you’re everywhere lol

It’s not enough to make up for the loss of mastery damage even at S1 mastery levels.

Straight up nerf that just gets worse as we get more stats.

I am speaking of Fel Scarred only. AR has a bunch of changes and I have no idea how those will turn out. Nor do I care really, it felt so bad to play.

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It seems the DH dev is clueless and is just consulting with the top few DHs for input. I’m sure the wants of the core DH population is getting addressed :melting_face: :expressionless:


thats lowkey how it should be tho

All these changes are awful, the class is awful, we’re going to be awful next tier.

Yes I’m playing havoc why do you ask?

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This is the most hopeful of hopeful thinking.

They’ve completely gutted havoc for me. I’m heart broken

But they buffed immolation aura again! How could you hate it!


With wounded quarry being broken DH damage is looking far better then it will actually end up.

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