There is so much untapped potential with glyphs in this game it is so hard to believe this has not been capitalized on yet, especially with how often players keep bringing it up. So i’m going to bring it up again and just post some glyph ideas that I would like to see, all of which enhance spec fantasy further and do not stray from that.
Glyphs I’d love to see:
-Half shadow/half light levitate for disc priest
-Fully shadow levitate for shadow priest
-Shadow flash of light for shadow priest
-Slight shadow effect on flash of light for disc priest
-Shadow angelic feather for shadow priest
-Slight shadow effect on feather for disc priest
-Fully shadow oracle visuals for disc and rotating shadow/light oracle visuals for disc, plus a glyph to hide/remove the permanent effects (third eye/glowing eyes). First glyph would be for discs that have their character lean closer to shadow than light, second is for discs that balance both evenly.
-Damage/heal effects have a chance to give you angel wings or dark angel wings for disc priest (same glyph holy currently has but disc themed)
I could keep going but thats all I’m going to list for now as its a long list already. Really hoping we eventually see a glyph overhaul and have them added to the game in abundance for all classes/specs. Again glyphs dont have to go outside of the boundary of spec/class fantasy, they can enhance it instead.
Nah, bury Glyphs completely and bring a Transmog-System for spells where you customize as you wish like the dragons for Dragonriding.
They could do that with glyphs, possibly easier since glyphs are already in the game. They can put them in a collections tab type of thing, so you can apply or remove whatever glyphs you collect and they remain permanently in that tab so you wouldnt need to rebuy any. Can change them as much as you want to.
I loved all your ideas, I think it’s strange that the shadowpriest needs to use skills with a holy visual animation (I use Google Translate, I apologize for any mistakes)
Just to add my biggest request…
Racial themed visuals!
I need my NE Priest to cast white/silvery moonlight spells instead of Golden Holy Light!
GREAT IDEA. I want to delete all holy/light effects on my shadow priest.
it would be awesome.
i would play hunter with shadow theme spells.
Well they would still be themed for your spec/class, and likely spec locked if it doesnt match another specs aesthetics/theme kind of like they are now. Wouldnt be able to play monk and have shadow spells for example, it would be priest only/shadow priest only/disc only, etc. This is much more of a possibility as the devs will not want to step out of the boundaries of spec/class fantasy, they’ve already basically stated this.
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-Masculine form / more forms for Holy’s Spirit Healer.
-Maybe some more fiery “sunlight” effects for our sun worshipping races in WoW?
That second point is a bit different than what I am suggesting here, that would be race-specific visuals, and I am absolutely on board for that too. What I am suggesting is just spec specific/class specific glyphs for every individual class that remains within the theme of those specs, especially now that we have hero trees it is a good time to add a ton of glyphs or even revamp the glyph system for it.
For race based spell visuals, that can be from glyphs too or something else but I support that as well. White light for night elves, fiery/sun based visual effects for taurens and whatever other sun worshipping races we have, probably red effects for blood elves, etc.
okay then i want troll theme racial spells. like voodoo/shadow things
its easy actually.
even in SWtor there are different mirror spells for empire and republic.
like force choke stun for sith
force throw rock stun for jedi
same spell same job different visual.
for example in wow wildfire bomb
troll- hexbag bomb shadow explosion
undead- plague jar green explosion
gnome - mana bomb blue explosion
Sometimes I’d like a glyph so Holy Nova transforms into something like Holy from FF14, but only if it’s especially bright and blinding to other players with no option to turn down spell effects. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Oh that reminds me, Shadow holy nova for spriest and shadow effects (not fully shadow) for disc priest.
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I would pay in cash for a shadowy levitate.
Its wild we dont have one despite the warband screen showing a half light and shadow levitate for Disc priest and a fully shadow levitate for Shadow priest lol. These things should absolutely be in the game. There is no point in holding back on customization that further enhances spec identity visually.
Blue mind flay, purple holy nova, fiery penance.
Shadow errythang, especially Power Word: Shield. I am spamming the crap out of that with Body and Soul active, it’s pretty jarring to see my shadowy void-worshiper of darkness constantly encased in a bubble of radiant light magic.
Also, I would LOVE a glyph to get the classic Shadow Form back. I was never a fan of the new one, I think we should be able to stick with the old one if we want (like druids got a glyph for old tree form).
Yeah definitely agree. I am really surprised they haven’t jumped on just reworking the glyph system into a permanent customizable collectible type system where you just collect a glyph once and can apply it or remove it any time you want.
It seems like a huge no brainer to me, especially since they dont really need to step outside of the bounds of spec fantasy with glyphs, its not like im saying this should be green fire for every class/spec or anything. Simply asking for glyphs that further enhance spec fantasy ie making all spells have shadow visuals for spriest, they should not have any holy visuals that is not their fantasy. Disc can have both as it is discs fantasy to be balancing between light and shadow, and in discs case there should be glyphs giving slight shadow effects to holy spells (but not fully shadow).
I have seen all types of players asking for new glyphs. From rank 1 pvpers to casual dungeon runners to high end raiders etc, its something players really want and they can do it for basically every class and most specs. Monk players have been asking for celestial colored glyphs for jadefire stomp for example.
I would love to see a Diablo Tyrael-esque spirit of redemption form.
As a minor wish, I’d like a holyfiend that actually looks cool and not just like a tiny golden water elemental that got lost on the way to being summoned by a classic mage.
It would be very thematically fitting to actually turn into an Archangel like being for Archon Spec while you are empowered from your major Cooldown. Holy can take on the look of Tyrael or Auriel (Archangel of Hope) and then for Shadow to take on the look of Malthael (Archangel of Death)